From Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani’s Lecture Concerning - TopicsExpress


From Sheikh Abdul Qadir Al-Jailani’s Lecture Concerning Shaitan (Fathur-rabbani,Rijalul Fikri) Part 3 It was reported by Muqatil from Az-Zuhri from Uriah from Siti Aisyah r.a.: “One afternoon, the companions were departing to meet with Rasulullah (peace be upon him). Among them were Abu Bakar,Umar bin Khaththab, Utsman bin Affan, Ali bin Abi Talib, Salman and Ammar bin Yasir r.a.. He later emerged, perspiring heavily because of high fever. His perspiration was dripping like pearls. He then wiped his forehead, saying, ‘May Allah curse the accursed one,’ three times. Ali r.a. then said to Rasulullah (peace be upon him), ‘By my father, my mother, and you, who is that accursed one?’ He replied, ‘Ibis (Azazil) who is most despicable, the enemy of Allah. He inserts his tail into his anus and lays seven eggs, and they are his spawn whom he assigns to tempt the children of Adam. One of them is named Mudahish, who is tasked with seducing the scholars and throwing them into the base desires. The second is named Hudaits. He is tasked with distracting those who are in prayer, to make them forget their remembrance of God, and to cause the loss of one’s memorisation. He places the feeling of sleepiness and yawning upon them, until one of them falls asleep, and he says to them, ‘Truly, you are asleep.’ He then says, “I will not sleep until he performs the prayer without ablution.’ By the Essence in Whose hand is the soul of Muhammad, one of them completes his prayer and does not get half, a quarter, or even a tenth of the rewards of prayer, and his sins are greater than his rewards. The third one is named Zalbanun, He tempts those who are at the markets. He instructs them to be treacherous and dishonest in their business transactions. The fourth one is named Bitr. His job is to rip open pouches and damage people’s appearances and to swear during the occurrence of a catastrophe until all the rewards of the people who are inflicted by the catastrophe are destroyed. The fifth one is named Mansuth. He is tasked with delivering false news, complaints, gossip and slander until everyone commits sin. The sixth one is Wasim. His task is to reside in the anus, to blow temptation to the channels of sperm and the private parts of women until each commits fornication with the other. The seventh is named A’war. He is the shaitan tasked with stealing. He says to thief, ‘By stealing, it means that you have solved your problems, fulfilled your religious obligations and covered your modesty; afterwards, repent.’ Therefore, every believer must always be vigilant and not lower their guard against the temptations of shaitan in all situations. Do not trust shaitan in all affairs. Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said, ‘Truly, in ablution, there is a shaitan named Walhan. Because of this, seek refuge with Allah from him.” In another narration, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said, ‘Close your ranks so that shaitan is unable to slot in between you like lambs.’ It was reported from Utsman bin Al-Ashi (r.a.) who said, “I once asked, ‘O Rasulullah, how do I block shaitan in my prayer and my recitation?’ Rasulullah (peace be upon him) replied, ‘There is a shaitan named Khanzub. If you feel him, seek refuge with Allah from him (by reciting the ta’awuz and the relevant supplication), and spit three times to your left.’ I then did this until Allah kept that shaitan far from me.” In a famous hadith, Rasulullah (peace be upon him) said, ‘There is not one among you except that with him is shaitan.’ The Companions asked, ‘Including yourself, O Rasulullah?’ He replied, ‘Including myself too, but Allah the Most Glorious and the Exalted has helped me to defeat him until I am safe.’ In another tradition, he said, ‘There is not one among you except that you have been assigned his associate (qarin) from among the jinn (shaitan) to tempt him.’ He was then asked, ‘Including yourself, O Rasulullah?’ He replied, ‘Including myself too, but Allah has helped me defeat him until I am safe, to the extent that he now only urges me towards goodness.’” There are some who state that when Allah cursed iblis, He created, from his left rib, a mate in the form of a female shaitan, just as Hawa was created from the rib of Adam a.s. Later iblis mated with his partner until she became pregnant and laid thirty-one eggs, which then became the roots of their lineage, branching out into their descendants until they were propagated far and wide on land and at sea. There are some who say that, from each one of those eggs, there emerged ten thousand male and female shaitan. They then live in the mountains, islands, foam, oceans, sand, trees, springs, intersections, rubbish dumps, the air, battlefields, graveyards, houses, palaces, campsites and other places. Allah Azza Wa Jalla says: أَفَتَتَّخِذُونَهُ وَذُرِّيَّتَهُ أَوْلِيَاءَ مِنْ دُونِي وَهُمْ لَكُمْ عَدُوٌّ بِئْسَ لِلظَّلِمِينَ بَدَلًا Meaning: “Would you then take him and his offspring for friends rather Me, and they are your enemies? Evil is (this) change for the unjust.” (Al-Kahfi 18: 50) As such, damned is the person who substitutes obedience to Allah with obedience to shaitan and his descendants. Undoubtedly, he will live with them in Hellfire forever if he does not repent and return to His path, namely, by self-realisation and by striving to avoid bad company, all acts of evil, the doers and promoters of corruption, as well as the regiments of shaitan. He should them return to Allah, always be in obedience of Him, always strive to be close to scholars who hold firm to the teachings of the religion, and always hope for the bounty and mercy of Allah. They are the ones who constantly repent from all their sins, place their trust in Allah (tawakkal), and believe in Him. They are the ones who are safe from the shackles and chains of the problems and sufferings of this world, and the heat of Hellfire, for they refuse to obey shaitan (that is, to fall for his persuasion and deception). Instead, they are always obedient to Allah, whether secretly or openly. They are the ones who will be gain rewards and recompense that are most pleasing, as said by Allah Azza Wa Jalla: فَوَقَاهُمُ اللَّهُ شَرَّ ذَلِكَ الْيَوْمِ وَلَقَّاهُمْ نَضْرَةً وَسُرُورًا وَجَزَاهُم بِمَا صَبَرُوا جَنَّةً وَحَرِيرً . Meaning: “Therefore Allah will guard them from the evil of that day and cause them to meet with ease and happiness. And reward them, because they were patient, with gardens and silk.” (Al-Insan: 11-12) Thus, Allah says; إِنَّ الْمُتَّقِينَ فِي جَنَّاتٍ وَنَهَرٍ فِي مَقْعَدِ صِدْقٍ عِندَ مَلِيكٍ مُّقْتَدِرٍ. Meaning: “Verily, the righteous will dwell among gardens and rivers, In an assembly of Truth in the Presence of Allah the Omnipotent. (Al-Qamar: 54-55) Allah also says: وَلِمَنْ خَافَ مَقَامَ رَبِّهِ جَنَّتَانِ “And for him who fears to stand before his Lord are two gardens.” (Ar-Rahman 55: 46) Allah Azza Wa Jalla mentions those servants who have been tested: انَّ الَّذِينَ اتَّقَوْا اذَا مَسَّهُمْ طَئِفٌ مِنْ الشَّيْطَنِ تَذَكَّرُوا فَاذَا هُمْ مُبْصِرُونَ “Surely those who guard (against evil), when a visitation from the shaitan afflicts them they become mindful, then lo! they see.” (Al-A’raf 7: 201) As such, Allah has told us that the heart that is in constant remembrance of Him will be free from darkness and neglectfulness. Remembrance will lift the veil of difficulties and challenges because it is the key to fear (taqwa) and piety (war’a)....
Posted on: Tue, 16 Dec 2014 13:00:00 +0000

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