From: Shyam Panduranaga Rao (‘He Sham Qaboos Bin Panduranga - TopicsExpress


From: Shyam Panduranaga Rao (‘He Sham Qaboos Bin Panduranga Rao’ ) Sultanate of India & Oman Mob No: 9742201835 https://facebook/shyam.pandurangarao https://facebook/profile.php?id=100000629670925 Consultant Company: PRN Akshaya Oman Power Consultant LLC Vijaya Bank Current Account: 138900301000128, IFSC – VIJB0001389, FOREX - VIJBINBBFXB Residence & Office Address: 1. PRN Akshaya, #35 ,10th Cross, BDS Nagar, K.Naryanapura , Kothanur Post, Bangalore – Sultanate of INDIA - 560077 Bangalore – 560077, INDIA Submit PRN 1% SYSTEM to GOD & SULTAN Shyam Panduranga Rao ( He Sham Qaboos Bin Panduranga Rao) Guidance & Directions to all Leaders & people of all States of all countries of the world For Implementations To: All People & All Companies/ Private Sector Companies/Public sector Companies/Corporate Companies / Banks/ Courts From thousands of Past Years and past from 150 Years The Ignorant Politicians and Architects and Engineers with less knowledge in planning created Bad Designs of Cities and Towns made all people suffer in Traffic congestion, Pollution, Poverty, No Parking space for Vehicles on Roads by Bad & Narrow Design of Roads without Road side Canal for Rain water Drains make During Heavy Rains Flood inside the Buildings causing Loss of Life and Properties of people. The Vehicles cannot Move Fast in Bad Planning by Traffic congestion and all such cities and towns investments and works gone Wastage of Time, Money , Labor of people without Good Fruit of Yield for their Growth by their own corruptions without Clean & without Proper Knowledge in their Mind . The Improper and Bad Planning of Cities & Towns caused them to dismantle the Houses/Buildings after Few years in the Present Road & Sites layout system of Bad Planning of 30x 40 , 40x 60 , 60 x80, 80 x120ft with more than 50% of land used for roads making evasion of Fruitful Revenue of Plantations and Agriculture and now cities and towns facing without Green Space & Green Revenue & such cities made them uneconomical and corrupt design by Corrupt Designers by erred people without knowledge of How to use the Pure Real Natural Resources & Spaces of GOD & without causing Growth of people in comfort by their narrow & corrupt minds. We see most of the people & leaders are corrupt in their nature without Proper Sharing system in the name of Tax Democracy are failing day by day by their own errors and corruptions without proper accountability. Hence I Shyam Panduranga Rao designed the Pure Real Natural Parameter Design concept which gives Knowledge to all Politicians, Cinema people , Architects & Engineers how to Design and Construct Future PRN Green Cities explained step by step for Giving them PRN Knowledge of GOD & Kingdom of GOD & Formation of PRN Ministry in the Process to eradicate Corruptions & Poverty of People and give them the knowledge of GOD & KING & KINGDOM where GOD Given inexhaustible Resources sufficiently in abundance those who faith in GOD & KING & KINGDOM and people who are corrupt and have no knowledge should be Given the knowledge to make them understand to not to do error design in Planning the cities and they should not eat corrupt without accounts and all people should Grow in Equality with accountability and Proportion explained below with my PRN Concept of Knowledge of GOD which Prosper & Purified many people by their Repentance and Submit PURE REAL NATURAL RESOURCES AND MONEY 1% TO GOD/KING in the Process and Design & Construct PRN Green cities in all states of INDIA/WORLD as New Creations of PRN Cities are PRN KINGDOM OF GOD & Authorize to Numerous PRN MINISTERS to work in the Given PRN system Process. Teach the PRN Green City Model Planning & Income sharing system in all colleges and schools in every Villages , Towns and cities, Churches , Mosques, Temples and give knowledge of KINGDOM OF GOD to People to Grow & Prosper in future with their works. Meaning of PRN PRN – PURE, REAL, NATURAL PURITY, REALITY, NATURALITY Check every work with Purity Reality Naturalist of 3 Parameters FORMATION OF KINGDOM OF GOD & MINISTRIES WITH CONSTRUCTION OF PRN CITIES IN ALL STATES OF INDIA IN ALL NATIIONS OF WORLD DESCRIBED FOR KNOWLEDGEFUL PLANNING OF PRN CITIES PRN GREEN CITIES DESIGN MODEL WITH 5 EQUAL PARTNERS & INCOME SHARING SYSTEM AS FOLLOWS WITH EACH GRID OF 1000 ACRES OF 2KM X 2KM GRID DESIGN MODEL PRN CITY DESIGN SYSTEM GIVE TO ELIGIBLE COMPANIES Divide the Income of Govt. Organization / Company/ Building Owner / Farmers /Working Employees / Investors Income into 5 equal share of Returns as follows Partner 1: PRN Government: 20% of Income Share to PRN Government (For Construction of Roads, Water supply & Sanitation, and Power supply works & affiliated such Public works are Government works) Partner 2: Land Owner / Farmer / Building Owner : 20% Income Share to Land Owner/Farmers (Investment of their piece of land for Construction of PRN Cities & Farming of Grains, Fruits, Nuts, Coconut & Plantation works for Farmers) Partner 3: Company/Organization : 20% of Income Share to Company Organization / Developer Company / Consultant Company / Contractor Company (Construction of All Kinds of Buildings & Infrastructure works inside the 1000 acres are the works of Developer company/ Organization ) Partner 4 : Investors : 20% of Income Share to Investors/Share Holders Returns ( People should Continuous Investing of Money for Construction of PRN Cities and such Investing Money people are called as Investors or Share Holders Returns and to such people the Income of 20% Returns to be given as Share Holders in Proportion to their investment) Partner 5: Working People of Company/Government: 20% of Income Share to all Working People Staff as follows (Investment of work by Employers & Employees of Different Companies associate for PRN City construction and Maintenance works with the following 4 different category of people will be there & Write their Names with Designation M For Management, T for Technical, NT for Non-Technical, L for Labor & Bank Account & Passport Compulsory for all people in Income Sharing System) 1) 5% of Income to Management HR share equally 2) 5% of Income to Technical Staff HR Share equally 3) 5% of Income to Non-Technical Staff HR Share equally 4) 5% of Income to Labors HR Share equally FORMATION OF PRN GREEN CITY 1) Divide the Rest of Plain Lands of all states of India /Arab / English countries or in any other Nation into 2km x 2km of 1000 acres Grids by Total Station Surveyors and Surveyors have to mark center line of road for every 2km x 2km and surveyors have to do Contour Plan showing elevation levels at every 1mts OR 5mts of interval inside the 1000 acres of 2km x 2km Grid for Planning in the Given Guidance to Architects & Engineers 2) Give each 1 Grid of 1000 acres of 2km x 2km to Each Eligible Developer Public Sector Limited Company / Private Sector Limited company / Each Different Foreign and Nationalized Bank 1000 acres of 2km x 2km Grid for Construction & Developments with 5 equal Partners working with 5 equal Income Sharing System and Appoint Present MLAs, MPs, Cooperator , Mayors, IAS Officers and other Eligible Leaders as 1 Overall Minister Signing Authority for each Grid of 1000 acres of 2km x 2km Piece of Land and all work under 1 such minister appointed in the process. 3) Make alternate adjacent Grid of 1000 acres for Industrial Space Grids for Production of Sugar , Cement , Bathroom Fittings & Fixtures, Electrical Fittings & Fixtures and such required Factories develop in the adjacent Industrial 1000 acres of 2km x 2km Grids 4) Start Making center Line for every 2km in Horizontal and Vertical or say Longitude & Latitude Directions 5) 50% of the Land Say 500 acres / 400 acres Reserve & Use for Green Agriculture & plantations & Fruits & Flowers to be grown in the middle area 6) 50% of the Land Reserve and Use for Road, Canal , High-rise Buildings as shown in the Drawing 7) 10% of 1000 acres say 100 acres of land use only for Roads & Canals 8) 40% to 50% of land use for Green Agriculture & Plantations 9) 1% of the Land of 10 Acres Reserve in the center of 1000 acres for Temple / Church / Mosque as you Require for Mass Praying as Space to GOD but the Temple / Church / Mosque should not have Toilet but should have only for washing Space of Hands / Legs / Face should be Provided at the entrance of Temple/Church /Mosque 10) Submit PRN 1% SYSTEM of Pure Real Natural Resources & Money to GOD / KING to Construct Temple / Church /Mosque in the Center of every 1000 acres in the name of GOD & KING 11) Construct Canals as Rain water catchment water Body adjacent to Road on either side of Road so that Flood will not happen during heavy rains 12) Do not Construct Cellar because the water will flood inside cellar during heavy rains so do not construct cellar or underground for parking etc 13) Divide the Middle Land of 400 acres / 500 acres of each 1000 acres grid into 10 acres or 20 acres and do crop rotation system to get Good Yield of Agriculture Grains & Nuts & Fruits & Flowers 14) Construct High Rise Cities in each 1000 acres of 2km x 2km grid where all the inhabitants will get all facilities within 2km Grid hence Design & Construct as follows in Income Sharing system as Explained 1Administrative Building Block 10 Housing Building Blocks, 5 Office Building Blocks, 1Hotel Building Block 1 Hospital Building Block 1 Shopping Mall Building Block 1 Petrol Bunk at Ground Floor 1 University Building Block having all kinds of Institutions 1 Financial Bank Building Block 1 Foreign Trade Exchange Building Block 15) The Number of Floors may Maximum be 200 with 5mts of Floor Height 16) The Building Blocks should have 50 mts Space between each Block For Light and Ventilation 17) There will be 100mts x 100mts each Square or Round & Rectangular Building Blocks can be Designed and such 22 Blocks can be Designed along Periphery of 1000 acres adjacent to Roads Refer the Drawing 18) Each Building Block can be From 2 acres of Plinth Area to 5 acres of Plinth Area as Per the Given design & Drawing Sketch 19) There will be Helipads on the Top of the Building Blocks for Transportation 20) There will be Design of High Speed Cars without Low income model Cars 21) There will be Only Cars & Buses for Local Transportations 22) There will be More Air Ports in the Nation or State Rather than Trains and Design and construct 1 Air ports for every 200 / 300 K.mts Longitudinally and Latitudinal 23) The Existing Railway system use for Transportation of Goods Rather than Transportation of Passengers but if people want trains then construct Luxury Trains & Railway system to Passengers 24) The Air Planes and Air Crafts can be Used for Transpiration of Passengers as well as Goods for Long Journey 25) Keep Road width 50mts with Multy lane Road with Central 5 Mts Median & Median can be used for Road Lighting & Ducts and Green space 26) Keep The Road Side Parking Space width Minimum 4 to 5mts on either side of the Road 27) There will be 4 Entry & Exit on all the Four Sides of the 1000 acres of 2km x 2km Grid 28) There will be Fly over & Underpass System at every 2km of Road Interval with Road Crossing System 29) There will be Separation Space of Building Line of 20 Mts away from the edge of the Road/Canal so that there will be no Noise Pollution of Vehicles which can be used as parking space for vehicles 30) There will be Minimum 4 Swimming Pools inside the Premises of 1000 acres 31) There will be Terrace Swimming Pools in High Rise Buildings 32) There will be Inside Small Road for Connectivity between Building to Building should be Provided inside the 1000 acres 33) Use Raft & Mat Foundation instead of Individual Isolated footing which are Strong Earthquake-proof Foundation 34) Provide & Use Sufficient Elevators and Escalators & Lifts in all the Building Blocks 35) Provide Parking Space only on the Ground Floor 36) Provide Minimum 5 mts Rain water canal on both sides of Road. 37) Provide Intermediate Bridges as Ties to Building Block to Building Block at every 5 Floors or 10 Floors interval so that People or Inhabitants can walk across Building Block to Building Block Horizontal Connectivity. 38) Given my Revelations with drawings give knowledge to all people irrespective of Hindu , Muslim or Christian without Religious Discriminations & all can Understand GOD is One for all people & His Equivalent Names are Different in Different Countries and Different Languages & He Come to Earth Planet as King for salvation of Mankind Problems Permanently Giving Permanent Knowledge with Permanent Planning with Permanent structures to People which are Flood-Proof , Earthquake-Proof , and such PRN Cities are safe during natural disasters and if you all people construct PRN Cities then such natural disasters will not happen. 39) Provide Underground Horizontal and vertical Ducts for Power & Electricity Transmission Separately 40) Provide Natural Clean Energy such as Wind and Solar energy for PRN City for Heating and Lighting 41) Provide the Natural Hydro electric Energy for Industries & Heavy duty works 42) Avoid Atomic or Nuclear Energy which is Non PRN & disastrous & Poisonous 43) Provide The Underground Telecommunication Horizontal and Vertical Duct Separately with Man Holes For Maintenance adjacent to Roads & Building Ducts 44) Pet the Cows/ Sheeps / Goats/ Hens & Poultry in the 400/500 acres of Farming middle land of 1000 acres of 2km x 2km Grid for Diary Milk Products & Non Vegetarian Food 45) Do Fisheries in water Body Canals/lakes/Ponds in the adjacent to Roads & such Water bodies 46) The Adjacent Road Canals connect to Natural Rivers & Lakes& Ponds 47) To Maintain Cleanliness Burn the Solid Wastes which does not contaminate water, air and soil so Construct Burning Pits for burning solid wastes of every Building block. 48) The Bathroom and Kitchen Sullage waste water Recirculate to Farming lands 49) Use Cow Dung / Sheep Dung as Manure to Farming Lands for Agriculture and Planation’s 50) Provide Underwater Pipes from canals to Agriculture & Plantation land 51) Do Sprinkler and Drip Irrigation system in the Middle of 400/500 acres of Agricultural & Plantation land 52) No Parking Fee for Vehicles 53) No Sanitation Fee for People 54) Since the Tax currency is Completely corrupted & To change the Present corrupt Tax system of Currency Print the New Tax Free Currency in my name & Issue to all Banks and abolish the Tax corrupted currency Giving 1% of their Tax Money as New Tax Free Currency 55) In Tax Free System Currency the Rates of Rs 100 Become Rs 1 means it happens to PRN 1% SYSTEM and all Prices of Goods will be 100 times cheaper than the Present Tax Prices. 56) Make Selling Price of Goods = 5Times the Cost Price to get 100% Income to all 5 Partners 57) Selling Price of Goods = 5 x cost Price and Share the Income to 5 equal partners 58) The PRN System applies to all Companies and even for small projects less than 1000 acres also in the same concept. 59) The Salvation of Mankind problems for existing cities/Towns it is my Guidance & Directions to make all Ground floors of all Column structure High Rice Buildings of all cities / towns Dismantle & use for Parking space only and Provide Necessary RAIN water Drain system without Dismantling entire Building by BBMP/BDA Authorities 60) My Guidance to all Existing Governments of all states / Central Government to Start Implement Income Sharing system in 5 equal parts of Income of all Government & Private companies as Follows 1) 20% of Income to PRN Government ( Accordingly Solve the Court Pending cases) 2) 20% of Income to Land Owner (All Rent / Lease / Sale Agreements change accordingly & Solve the Court Pending cases accordingly) 3) 20% of Income to Investors ( Solve the Court Pending cases accordingly) 4) 20% of Income to Company ( Solve the Court Pending cases accordingly) 5) 20% of income to Working Employees as follows ( Solve the Court Pending cases accordingly by sharing the Income of Companies to Working Human Resources share as follows ) 5% to Management Working HR Share equally 5% to Technical Working HR Share equally 5% to Non-Technical HR Share equally 5% to Labors HR Share equally Follow my PRN 1% SYSTEM Guidance & Directions FOLLOW MY GUIDANCE AND DIRECTION IN SALVATION OF TRAFFIC CONGESTION PROBLEMS OF ALL METROPOLITAN CITIES/TOWNS HAPPENED DUE TO IMPROPER & UNPLANNED CITY/TOWN PLANNING AND HENCE DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT FUTURE PRN GREEN CITIES AS PER MY PRN GUIDANCE WITHOUT NEGLIGENCE BY ALL COUNTRY POLITICAL & BUSINESS PEOPLE LEADERS FOLLOW WITH INCOME 5 EQUAL SHARING SYSTEM WITHOUT CORRUPT EXISTING ACCOUNTING SYSTEM & ABOLISH THE CORRUPTED TAX CURRENCY IN INDIA /WORLD AND I AM MAKING MY NEW PRN SHYAM PANDURANGA RAOS INCOME 5 EQUAL SHARING ACCOUNT SYSTEM NEW PRN CURRENCY SYSTEM SOON CHANGING THE EXISTING CORRUPT SYSTEMS AND I FREE ALL PEOPLE FROM ALL POLITICAL PARTY CORRUPTIONS & I FREE ALL PEOPLE FROM BUSINESS CORRUPTIONS AND I PROVIDE PROJECTS & JOBS TO CRORES OF PEOPLE DEVELOPMENTS CREATING NEW EACH 1000 ACRES OF PROJECTS TO PEOPLE PRN GREEN CITIES PF , 2KM X 2KM 1000 ACRES PRN CITIES ACROSS INDIA/WORLD IN PRN 1% SYSTEM in the name of GOD &KING Sham Panduranga Rao ( He Sham Qaboos) Submit PRN 1% SYSTEM to GOD & KING Shyam Panduranaga Rao (Sultan ‘He Sham Qaboos ’ ) Guidance and Directions to all my PRN Ministers & people of Oman / India/USA/China/Japan/Arab/Europe countries & all countries across the World in order to Beautify all Existing Metropolitan Cities/Towns free from traffic congestion like Bangalore , Bombay , Chennai , Delhi , Hyderabad , Gujarat - Ahmadabad, Allahabad,Jaipur , Bhopal , Kerala ,Jammu & Kasmir ,Islamabad - Pakistan , Bangladesh , Lebanon, Lahore ,Calcutta , Muscat ,Japan , Tokyo, Bejing ,Canada , UK , Singapur , Dubai , Qatar , Sharja , Iran , Iraq , Los Angeles, Massachusetts, Newyork , Texas , Florida , Australia ,Africa etc to Free from Vehicular traffic Congestion in the cities/towns & to provide Good Vehicular Movements & Parking facilities to all the people and to provide good Cross Rain water & Sanitary Drain system from One Road to adjacent cross Rods make through & Free Ground Floor all obstructions of all Buildings. it is my Guidance and Directions to Dismantle all the Ground floor walls & all other obstructions of Ground floor Offices , shops etc and make the Ground floors Purely for Vehicular Movements & Parking spaces and Create Cross Drainage systems Facilities in all the High Rise Column & Beams Structure buildings of all metropolitan cities such as High Rise Shops Buildings, Shopping malls , Shops & Offices etc in MG Road , Brigade Road , Commercial; streets, Chikkpet , Avenue Road , Majestic Area , KR Market Areas, Madrass Road , Rajajinagar , Peenya , Jayanagar , JP Nagar, Church street , Shivaji Nagar etc in Bangalore and like wise in all metropolitan cities/Towns immediately Dismantle the Ground Floors & Free the Ground Floors of all Buildings in all Traffic Congested areas and make Ground floor of all Metropolitan cities/Towns area completely for Vehicles Movements & Parking Space from one road to other cross road and create Proper Cross Rain water and sanitation Drain facilities at all Ground floors of all buildings by BBMP , BMP and by concerned all Metropolitan Corporators/Commisioners to Remove all the Ground floor Obstructions of all buildings in traffic congested Areas of all Metropolitan cities convert the Ground floor Places for Vehicle parking and Cross Rain water Drain facilities in order to Beautify all Metropolitan cities Free From Traffic congestion and make Good Drainage system in Ground floors. It is My Guidance and Directions to all my PRN Ministers and Concerned Authorities to make all Metropolitan cities work 24 Hours Day & Night in shifts and it is better to make 4 Shifts per 24 Hours and make 6 Working Hours per shift in order to provide more jobs to people and in order facilitate more Business to people and give more comforts to people My Guidance to PRN Ministers & BBMP & BMP and other Corporation Authorities/BDA Authorities to allot the works to Different Engineering and Architect companies /Contractors to Renovate the Existing Metropolitan Cities/Areas quickly and Beautify the cities within a year or 12 Months The work must Complete in all Metropolitan cities/towns by march 2016 including Tendering , Dismantling the the Ground floor Obstructions & Construction of Cross Road Drain Facilities & all works must complete with all respects. Follow The Cost of Expenditures & Income Sharing System make in 5 equal parts and keep accounts of Income properly by all Companies / Government / working People /Investors/ Land owner/ Building Owner Properly to make it happen & it is my My Guidance to Software companies Develop Accounting Software accordingly in 5 equal Income Sharing system as Follows 20% by & to PRN Government 20% by & to Owner of the Building 20% by & to Land Owner/Company 20% by & to Investors as Share Holders 20% by & to Working Employees as follows 5% by & to Management Employees 5% by & to Technical Employees 5% by & to Non-Technical Employees 5% by & to Labours It is my guidance and Directions in future do not give Permission for Underground Cellar constructions for Buildings in any Towns/Cities since during heavy rains the flood happens and damage the cellar properties and damage the Foundation of Buildings Hence do not Give Permission for cellar constructions. Fill the The existing Cellar Shops & other cellar parking places completely to ground floor of all such buildings. Care to be taken while Dismanelling the Ground floor obstructions of Buildings do not Disturb the Pillars or Columns of Buildings. By the Order of GOD & KING HM Sultan Shyam Panduranga Rao ( He Sham Qaboos ) Sultanate of India & Oman - Arab World Prince Civil Engineer & Architect in Chief. Mob:9742201835 My Email IDs: [email protected] shyampandurangarao@gmail ShyamPandurangaRao@gmail Sham.Panduranga.Rao@gmail PRNRadheshyam@twitter shyampanduranga1@gmail shampandirangarao@live shyampandurangarao@linkedin ShyamPRN@live Shyampanduranga1@gmail [email protected] shyampandurangarao@gmail Shyam.Panduranga.Rao@gmail ShyamPandurangaRao@gmail & So many mail IDs Yahoo , Google & Face book , Microsoft know my pass words & all my Email IDs Maintained by my PRN Secretaries Note : Do not Give Projects to those evil Shitan Architects, Engineers & Contractor & Material Supplier Companies who does not share their Company Income in 5 Equal Parts as explained in PRN 1% SYSTEM and do not Give Projects to those Architects & Engineers & Contractor Companies who does not submit 1% to God & King Shyam Panduranga Rao ( Sultan He Sham Qaboos Bin Panduranga Rao ) as Consultation Guidance & Concept Model & Proper Directions fee to PRN AKSHAYA OMAN POWER CONSULTANT LLC & Trace & Block all such corrupted people who does not share their Organization /company/Institutions income in 5 equal sharing system and who does not submit PRN 1% SYSTEM to GOD & King Shyam Panduranga Rao ( Sultan He Sham Qaboos Bin Panduranga Rao ) Submit PRN 1% SYSTEM to GOD & KING Shyam Panduranga Rao ( He Sham Qaboos Bin Panduranga Rao ) to my following PRN company as my Guidance and Consultation charges to Renovate the Existing Metropolitan cities to Beautify the the existing metropolitan cities Free From Traffic congestion & to make use of Future Time & Money more Profitable to people & and allot Projects to Design and Construct by my PRN Network Developer Companies , PRN Network Architects , PRN Network Engineers & PRN Network Contractor companies, PRN Network Politicians , PRN Network Land Owners/Farmers , PRN Network Commissioners & Administrators , PRN Network Universities & Institutions & Colleges, PRN Network HR Companies , PRN Network Media companies, PRN Network Doctors & Hospitals,PRN Network Automobiles & Travels , PRN Network Hotels & Restaurants PRN Network Military & Police , PRN Network Agreement Lawyers & Advocates, PRN Network Judges, PRN Network Banks & Finances in designing and Constructions of PRN each new 1000 acres Green High-rise City Projects of Typical 2km x 2km of 1000 acres in more than 10 lakh Villages of India/World villages in income 5 equal sharing system with PRN 1% SYSTEM to GOD/KING Shyam Panduranga Rao Guidance and directions as follows 20% to PRN Government 20% to Govt.Organisation /Company/Any Public Sector & Private Sector Company 20% to Land Owner / Building Owner / Farmers ( As the Case may be) 20% to Investors as Share Holders Returns 20% to Working Employees 5% to Management Working Employees 5% to Technical Working Employees 5% to Non Technical Working Employees 5% to Labors / Workers Submit PRN 1% SYSTEM Consultant Fee to Shyam Panduranga Rao Proprietor of PRN Akshaya Oman Power Consultant LLC Vijaya Bank Current Account: 138900301000128, Kothanur Bank Branch, Bangalore - 560077 , INDIA https://facebook/shyam.pandurangarao Residence & Office Address: 1. PRN Akshaya, #35 , 10th Cross, BDS Nagar, K.Naryanapura, Kothanur Post , Bangalore - 560077 ,INDIA Follow my some of the Websites for PRN Knowledge and Information for Construction of PRN Green Cities in the Name of GOD & KING Sham Panduranga Rao ( He Sham Qaboos bin Panduranga Rao ) Sultanate of India & Oman https://facebook/shyam.pandurangarao https://facebook/profile.php?id=100000629670925 https://facebook/pages/PRN-Akshaya-OMAN-POWER-Consultants-LLC/195557113851352 https://facebook/pages/PRN-Akshaya-OMan-Power-Consultant/258110294263854 https://twitter/PRNRadheshyam linkedin/pub/dir/SHYAM/%2B/in-7127-Bengaluru-Area,-India/ https://youtube/watch?v=xXFY8_rAqoc#t=104 https://twitter/ShyamPanduranga
Posted on: Sat, 01 Nov 2014 08:06:16 +0000

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