...From Snow a short in Almost Reality “Holy shit, is that a - TopicsExpress


...From Snow a short in Almost Reality “Holy shit, is that a grizzly?” Billy Bob asked the unnecessary question. “Does anybody else think we are dreaming this?” Buff asked. “Forget this; I’m headed out to the road. I can make it five miles to Elmer’s store,” Travis said as he turned to go down the driveway. He didn’t get far. Two huge eagles sat either side of a huge buck, all sixteen points of him. Suddenly other forest animals appeared at every compass point preventing any thought of escape. There were badgers and skunks, hawks and black bear, and at least twenty of the largest wolves any of the astounded men had ever seen. CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK CLICK… None of the rifles and shotguns fired. Suddenly real fear gripped the men as their bowels turned to water and their mouths became instantly dry. The snow continued its relentless onslaught driving the men deeper into natures down as well as completing the call to those who would take no more. The woodland creatures appeared to be under the control of a single mind, a mind that wanted complete attention from the men standing in the snow… Suddenly Uncle Hap, Buffalo, Trevor and Billy Bob found that their fear had a new addition to the predicament they found themselves in. They were unable to move…at all. Then a powerful female voice filled their minds as clear as if the owner were standing next to each one and speaking in their ear. You find that it is your prerogative to take one of nature’s creature’s lives without giving it a second thought. You kill for the thrill of killing or even worse, boredom. You kill unarmed innocents for target practice not once giving a thought to the fear and angst the animal endures. Oh yes these creatures feel fear and pain yet they never seek YOU out to destroy because there is nothing better to do. They live and let live. If you only took lives to feed your families then that would fall under my rule, Nature’s rule. For these crimes against me you will feel the wrath of the snow and know what my woodland friends know when you are drunk and bored. You cannot call out and you cannot escape. Remember, you brought this on yourselves… Then…the voice was gone. The snow fell and fell and fell on the men condemned to suffer what they inflicted. For what seemed like hours the snow fell as the men looked towards the animals that looked right back at them. Each man found themselves facing a particular animal. Uncle Hap had his eyes locked with the grizzly on the front porch. Buffalo was actually looking at a bison that appeared very, very pissed. Trevor found a large gray wolf focused on him, eyes unwavering, eyes determined. Billy Bob found two pair of eyes with bad intent bearing down on him, eyes belonging to a badger and an eagle. No one, not the men, not the animals made a sound. All that could be heard was the wispy rustle of the falling snow that was getting higher by the second as it purposely built the wall that would not be denied. Each man felt an undeniable fear that tossed and turned their insides to the point of insanity. Before long the snow was up to their eyes threatening to suffocate the life out of them with a sea of white, then, as suddenly as it had started…the snow stopped. Barely able to breathe and unable to move the men felt that maybe this was it, the threat of suffocation. Yeah, thought Buffalo, this was it; they had been brought to the point of suffocating and given a break. It’s over, the snow will melt and the animals will leave, Billy Bob wanted to believe his thoughts. Trevor had no thoughts at all and… If only my gun would work I would show these stupid animals, Uncle Hap thought, for the last time. As soon as Hap had his thought all of the animals turned and went back to the woods, all but the grizzly bear. Hap watched as the grizzly bear started moving towards him, slowly, purposely never taking his eyes off him. The snow started falling hard, only over Hap, as the bear continued its slow advance. As the snow took over Hap’s head the bear opened its mouth wide, baring long sharp flesh tearing teeth that slowly moved down towards Haps tortured face He screamed the scream that only tortured souls could make. The snow stopped raining white as everyone saw dark… “Hi Jackson, The unusual snow storm centered over the tiny area in Childers has stopped and the temperature has risen almost fifty degrees. This caused a small flood of sorts in the area but the Lake Okeechobee absorbed most of the overflow. There appeared to be no problems out of the unusual weather pattern. Janice.. Oops, wait a minute. I have just been given a note here by a friend of the house struck hardest by the storm; it says that there is going to be a garage sale at 4003 Lake house Lane tomorrow from 10:00 am until 5:00 pm. There will be a great many rifles and guns on sale and there will be a State authorized license agent there to take care of the legalities. The sale is to raise money for local man Hap Barowski who is in some sort of waking coma. C’mon down folks and support this cause. Hap is one of our own. Janice Higsby, Channel Seven News. The snow began to fall anew… amazon/Almost-Reality-Ron-Stelle-ebook/dp/B00IQ4IHDY/ref=sr_1_3?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1396973094&sr=1-3&keywords=ron+stelle
Posted on: Tue, 08 Apr 2014 16:59:20 +0000

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