From Steven Buchele, one of our Missionaries to Ghana: Hello - TopicsExpress


From Steven Buchele, one of our Missionaries to Ghana: Hello Friends - We have seen coverage of the Ebola outbreak on CNN, and from our point of view, that coverage makes it sound worse than it seems here in Ghana. Because Ashesi is drawing up contingency plans in case Ebola comes to Ghana, or the Ashesi campus, Suzanne and I have had to learn a lot more about the virus than we would have preferred. Here is what we know: • There has not been a confirmed case of Ebola in Ghana, nor in any of Ghanas neighboring countries. • Ebolas infection rate per population is 1:10000, or .001%. Those at highest risk are health workers, family members, or those in close contact with the dead, including mourners, and bush meat hunters. None of which fit the profile of anyone at Ashesi, nor our student population. • Furthermore Ebola is only spread through direct contact with bodily fluids, which make is much less contagious than the flu, for example. So our risks here are quite low. • Ghana is implementing the W.H.O. guidelines for halting the potential spread of Ebola. So we feel completely safe, are not worried, and appreciate your concern. Fun Fact: Ghanaians have an elaborate handshaking tradition, which for the duration of this epidemic, has been changed to a wrist or elbow bump, called the Ebola Handshake. Even in tragedy they find ways to make light of a situation. Thank you for praying for us and our mission here. Please add to your list Ghana, and those involved in stopping this epidemic. Thanks for your love and support! Steve & Suzanne Buchele with The Mission Society.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Aug 2014 16:11:39 +0000

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