From Susie Jennings :-) The Next Arrivals... Coming - TopicsExpress


From Susie Jennings :-) The Next Arrivals... Coming Home The lorries moved on. After saying Goodbye to Inico, the horses were full of chatter. The SHOW.....Oh how exciting...they would all meet at the SHOW. They were all talking at once and didnt notice that the Lorries were slowing up. Coco looked out and exclaimed.... We are stopping soon....Oh Bella...we are stopping for you! Bella looked up...she could just see out of the window...there was a lady waiting...could it be her very own Mummy? ...her body shivered with excitement and Bella couldnt wait for the ramp to go down, so she could see. The big ramp rolled down to the ground and the Man People opened the partition.....the rope was untied and Bella looked for the first time, at her Mummy. Her little skinny chestnut body wriggled and she picked her way down to the ramp. Her feet were on the ground and the lady, who was Bellas Mummy, came close. She looked deeply into Bellas eyes and the promise was made.... All of Bellas fears started to melt from that moment.....the coldness around her heart was eased as she was wrapped with the warmth of her New Mummys love. They walked away until they disappeared....the calls of the horses ringing in Bellas ears....Byeee....Byeeee...See you at the SHOW... Both lorries drove away....lumbering down the roads...they went different ways to deliver their special cargoes. Soon the lorry carrying Catalina and Jessie drew to a stop. The Men People called out and another lorry pulled up close. The ramps went down...there was lots of talking by the People and eventually they came to open the partition and Catalina looked out at the green, green fields in the distance...she called Jessie close to her side...she didnt want to risk losing her little Filly in this strange land. The Men People led her down the ramp and Jessie was close behind her....a lady talked softly to her and touched her gently....You have come at last...she said to will be safe with me. Catalina stepped carefully towards the small lorry parked close by.....Come ....the Men People said and led her into the lorry....they lifted the tired little Filly up the shallow ramp and pressed her near her Mother. The lady came into the lorry and spoke again to the weary Mare....You are going Home now...just a little way along the narrow road...and then you will be Home.... Catalina breathed out a long breath in sounded so good. Home....a place of safety for her and Maisie..... and her Baby of Hope.... She heard the big Lorry start its engine and over the roar she heard the horses calling... .Byeeee....Byeeeee.....See you at the SHOW. The lorry gathered speed and the horses settled...the talk was all about the New Mummies and Daddies....who would be next to get Home.... They were all on tenterhooks.....waiting and waiting.... The Lorry slowed up and stopped....more voices were heard ...strange voices ....the ramp went down.....and there ....right there was Alloras Mummy..... Such a surprise....just there....Allora couldnt wait to greet her New Mummy.... Hurry up.....Hurry up....she came down the ramp...right into her New Mummy....Im here...she said...Im really here....Im very tired but Im really here at last. She felt breathless with emotion and her heart was full of love for her New Mummy....Allora couldnt tell her Mummy yet, about all the love which was inside her...but one day soon she would show just how much her Mummy meant to her.... All the horses called to her..... Byeeee......Byeeee....See you at the SHOW.... The second Lorry made its way across the country. All the Boys were fed up.....when would it be their turn....Teddy 2 Shoes started to sing.....The Wheels of the Lorry Go Round and Round....his sweet voice echoed down the Lorry and all the horses felt uplifted to hear this little Colt. They started to join in and soon they were all feeling that the journey wasnt so bad after all. The lorries continued on with their journey. The horses thought about how happy the arrivals had been and hoped at their journeys end, that they too, would find happiness. It had been busy, with lots of stops and starts. The horses were weary from travelling. Eclipse watched as her friends disappeared.....she was so disappointed ...she had hoped to stay with Gracie. A little while later the Lorry stopped once more. The ramp lowered and the Men People came to Eclipses head...he murmured to her but Eclipse was only able to gaze past him at the lovely lady who stood at the bottom of the ramp. Come ...said the Man People....there is someone to meet you. Eclipse tripped down the ramp in expectation...Where is my Daddy? She fretted and looked everywhere for her Special Daddy. The kind lady told her she was going to rest in her stable tonight and soon, soon, her Daddy would come for her. He would come and scoop her up and take her to her real Home.....Eclipse was bewildered but as all TVP horses she accepted what she couldnt change. She stood in the stable, munched on her hay, drank from her water and watched out over the stable door. Eclipse was waiting....waiting for her Daddy. Her ears were listening all the time to hear his voice...when she heard him...she knew that she would be safe. Im coming Home to you Daddy...just you wait....Eclipse heard the echo in her head....and the horses sang their song for her......Byeeeee.....Byeeee.....See you at the SHOW..... The miles passed under the wheels of the Lorries.... Before they knew it the Lorry was slowing up again and stopped. There were lots of voices talking at once....lots of Daddy voices....Teddy 2 Shoes called out to the other horses.... Look....Look....its my Daddy......Look everyone....And they all looked. Gracie looked and saw him too.....the Daddy that visited them at the Meatmans Yards.....their Daddy was there to meet them. The Men People brought them out and they stood in the strong daylight....still in their travel stains and ruffled coats....but to their Daddy...they looked beautiful. Gracie knew she could look beautiful for her Daddy...if she had the chance ...I can see the Men Peoples hearts shining with love for me. She could see the shining brightness that surrounded them all.....wrapped in the bright love.Their Daddy and another man took their ropes and led them to the stables. As they walked their Daddy told them that they were lucky, lucky horses because they had two Daddies to share their love. Teddy 2 Shoes was beside himself.....Two Daddies.... The horses in the Lorry could hardly believe that not one but two Daddies were going to share the love of Gracie and little Teddy 2 Shoes. They faintly heard the horses calling.... Byeeeee....Byeeeee....See you at the SHOW.... The hours passed and the afternoon was fading away.... The little Lorry, which carried Catalina and Jessie made its way along the winding roads. Eventually, they turned into a yard. Catalina watched carefully as the short ramp was lowered....and she slowly stepped down onto the ground...her little Filly Jessie followed and they were led to a was luxury...a bed as deep as could be and hay....a pile of hay. Catalina was dazed by all the wonderful changes in her could so much goodness come her way? She gazed at her New Person...and laid her head close to the cheek of her very own Person.....her very own Person ...who would care for her in a way that she had no knowledge of.....Catalina tried so hard to be bright but it was too much...she was so tired...her head dropped slowly as she closed her mind to all around her....she needed time to heal the memories.....but she knew deep inside that she would day share her soul ..... And she carried a Baby of Hope.... Millie was trying to keep Maisie happy....she was telling her a story to pass the time. The Lorry turned into a bumpy road and Maisie was hardly able to stay on her feet. Just before she fell....the lorry was another arrival. The ramp went down and the Men People opened the partition. There were lots of People to greet them ....Millie didnt know which Person was her very own Person....she scanned the People and decided which one she would like to be her very own Person. The lady stepped up and looked into her eyes, she gently stroked the rough coat....You belong with me ...she whispered quietly into Millies ear.....You have come Home. You have all come Home. It was only then, that Millie realised that Amizade and Liberdade had come down the ramp too. All of them wonderful....they would have friends in this strange new Home. The Mares were thrilled to be staying together. Amizade leaned towards Liberdade saying ....Look...Look...Our Mummy..... Liberdade was confused and weary...her mind was still full of the sights and sounds of the Meatmans Yards. She looked at her New Mummy through glazed eyes...hardly taking in the enormity of the occasion. They nuzzled their New Person, who they could call Mummy. Now...only now ...could they start to forget all the sad memories that haunted them. Millie thought of how many of her friends had been many horses...gone forever. She cuddled her little Filly and carried her ... Baby of Hope.... The horses were calling out to them.. ..Byeeee....Byeeee....see you at the SHOW And so the Lorries continued the journey...taking secrets with them.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 19:26:56 +0000

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