From The Desk of Compel Fitness: .Foods to speed up metabolism 1. - TopicsExpress


From The Desk of Compel Fitness: .Foods to speed up metabolism 1. Green Tea Green tea is such a versatile drink and can be enjoyed in numerous ways – hot with lemon, honey or peppermint, and even cold (think green tea iced latte). Green tea is super rich in epigallocatechin gallate. Mouthful as it may seem, EGCG is actually a stimulant to the nervous system, particularly the brain. When your brain is more active, it tells the body to burn more calories. 2. Cold water Water itself is enough to boost your metabolism. It’s the universal lubricant which makes all the mechanisms in your body work smoothly, metabolism included. An extra 20 calories is burned just by drinking 8-10 glasses per day. However, experts believe that when you drink cold water, your body struggles to restore balance, so it needs to increase your body temperature (to counteract the cold). Higher body temperature means increased metabolism. 3. Grapefruit This bittersweet member of the citrus family is a common food for dieters, and it has never failed. From its rich fiber content to its insulin – lowering capabilities (insulin is needed to allow the body to store fat), grapefruit ups your metabolism and gives you a boost of Vitamin C. The fiber in this fruit gives the body extra digestion work, so more calories are burned in the process. 4. Green apple Like grapefruit, apples are rich in dietary fiber and low in calories. Green apples, with their tartness and sweetness combined, are great snacks because they help you feel satiated for longer so you end up without hunger pangs that can lead to impulsive eating choices. 5. Broccoli These green florets are bursting with calcium and vitamin C, but they’re also a great metabolism – booster. Vitamin C helps the body take in more calcium, and more calcium means better metabolism abilities. 6. Spinach Why was Popeye so skinny, but his muscles enormous? That green stuff in the can he’d pop open is a health food you can never do without. Spinach gives your strength and increases your resistance against illnesses. It is high in antioxidants, Vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and iron, and it speeds up your metabolism. 7. Chili Peppers and Jalapenos Feel the heat from these babies. Every bite immediately sends your heart rate on a chase, upping your metabolism to great lengths even hours after you have eaten them. The secret ingredient of jalapenos is capcaisin, a heat-producing substance that quickly increases metabolism. Here’s a friendly tip: If it gets too hot, sip on milk instead of water or soda. 8. Cinnamon Who can resist the warm scent and flavor of cinnamon? According the USDA researchers, extracts from cinnamon can break down sugar faster. So go ahead a sprinkle a teaspoon onto your oatmeal or cookie for that added burn. 9. Greek Yogurt Yogurt itself is a metabolism booster, but Greek yogurt is healthier in so many ways. Firstly, it has twice the amount of protein in regular yogurt. The protein keeps you feeling full for longer while your body takes its sweet time in digesting. 10. Oatmeal
Posted on: Thu, 13 Jun 2013 14:00:01 +0000

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