From The Globe... the employees at The Pawn Shop must deal with - TopicsExpress


From The Globe... the employees at The Pawn Shop must deal with the boss having to write note as he cannot speak due to ash globe curses. Arriving at THE Pawn Shop at 9:30 a.m., Skeebo noticed that Sammy wasn’t there yet. This wasn’t unheard of but it was very rare. Skeebo had a key so he rolled up the grill, opened the door and went inside. He deliberately avoided looking at the globe and went to the business of getting the shop ready for the day. After turning on the lights, setting out the jewelry and doing a quick check of big ticket items, Skeebo got ready to open the shop. Suddenly, the door opened and in came Sammy. “Well, nice to see you decided to join us,” Skeebo joked, borrowing a smart-ass from Sammy himself! Sammy shook his head no and pointed at his throat. “What is it, can’t you talk?” Skeebo asked. Sammy grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote, “Woke up this morning with the worst sore throat of all time. It hurts too badly to talk so I am not going too.” “How will you sell stuff?” “I will write down what needs to be said or get you if I need help.” “Ok, that’s cool,” How cool is that? I don’t have to listen to you talk all day. Then it dawned on him. Wasn’t that what he had wished for yesterday after Sammy had scared the shit out of him? Uh oh. The day went like any other day. Sammy shelled out $350 on a pawn that would likely never be paid for on an American made Fender Strat, circa 83’ that he could easily get $1200 for after the pawn was defaulted. Most high end pawns were never picked up, due the high cost of retrieval. Skeebo was forced to bring down the wretched Ash Globe only one time for a well dressed older Dude who was looking for that “special” gift for his wife’s birthday. He pretended to jokingly tell the customer that it was bad luck to shake the globe, or so he was told. Fact was, he wasn’t joking at all but he figured if he told the customer the truth, “Err, to shake the Teuates is to be asking for a world of shit, yup, that’d be the way ,” might not be in his best interest. He needn’t worry though, for as soon as the customer had the globe in his hand, he quickly put it down. “That thing feels weird, like, I don’t know… old?” he quickly said. “Err, yup, old will do err,” Skeebo involuntarily allowed. “Yeah, well old will do err’ for someone else, I do believe,” the well dressed Dude allowed right back. Sammy only caught the end of the exchange and wrote down, “Well, if that piece doesn’t meet your needs then we have some very nice jewelry you might like.” “What I would like is to wash my hands, thank you very much,” Dude insisted. The Dude left, sans anything, after a decent hand scrubbing, and the shop was once again occupied by employees only. “What the hell is on your hands?” Sammy queried on paper. Skeebo had put on industrial strength rubber gloves to put the globe back on the shelf. “My hands are slippery and I didn’t want to drop it,” Skeebo lamely replied. “You know, for someone who does not want to called by the name of the Stooge not related to the other two, you are certainly acting like him,” Sammy kind of joked after handing Skeebo the note. Sammy can Stooge me all he wants cause I am never touching that thing with my bare hands again, and err yup, that will be the way of that! Taylor and Billy arrived a few minutes less late than the day before and were not rewarded for it. Skeebo explained why Sammy wasn’t talking and why they would be getting “notes.” “Taylor, you work the floor and Billy, you inventory pawns,” Sammy instructed. “Aw, Sammy, can’t I work the floor today?” Taylor wadded up the note and tossed it in one of the cans. “Aw, Sammy, can’t I work the floor today?” “No, you inventory the pawns. Taylor works the floor.” Sammy was getting faster at pen speak. Immediately Skeebo giggled, as he brought up images of Quint on the “Orca” saying, “Hooper drives the boat Chief.” Isn’t if just fascinating how humans draw oral and visual parallels to events that have nothing to do with the situation at hand? Grudgingly Billy went to the back with all the current pawn tickets to match them with the items that had damn well better be there. Skeebo decided to clean his optical equipment he used to verify if the jewelry, gold, silver, auld infinitum, was real or if the client was going to get the goat behind door #3. Sammy went behind the counter and immediately picked up a well worn issue of Playboy, which was hidden inside a well worn issue of Life magazine. THE Pawn Shop took in two TV’s, a Gameboy, a Kirby vacuum cleaner (complete with the full boat attachment package!) and an inflatable raft. The shop sold 15 Cd’s to a middle aged guy who (according to him) didn’t need no damn I-flipping pod to enjoy his music! Sammy’s take on this admission was that the gentleman likely couldn’t afford a damn I-flipping pod!
Posted on: Thu, 24 Oct 2013 00:32:21 +0000

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