From The International Herald Tribune: Berlusconi blinks as party - TopicsExpress


From The International Herald Tribune: Berlusconi blinks as party mutinies BY JIM YARDLEY ROME — He seemed stunned, if immaculately tailored in a dark suit that sheathed him like armor. But the Silvio Berlusconi who stood before the Italian Senate on Wednesday was no longer invincible. His brazen attempt to bring down Italy’s government had provoked a mutiny in his own party. Most startling, Mr. Berlusconi, the powerful former prime minister, was now bending to the rebellion. For all the Shakespearean elements of pride, betrayal and hubris displayed on Wednesday during the political theatrics — which saw the fragile coalition government survive a confidence vote with unexpected ease — the more significant news for Europe was that the center appeared to hold in one of the euro zone’s most battered economies, staving off fears that Italy might plunge into another prolonged period of instability. Mr. Berlusconi’s attempt to bring down the government was intended to resuscitate his endangered political career as he faces a pending prison sentence, analysts say. Instead, it may have deeply fractured his center-right movement in Italy. Undeniably, analysts agreed, Mr. Berlusconi, 77, absorbed a stinging humiliation: Standing in the Senate, he was forced to reverse himself and pledge his party’s support for the same government that he had failed to topple. ‘‘We are seeing the long twilight of the Berlusconi era,’’ said Roberto D’Alimonte, a political analyst in Rome. Political instability is considered one of Italy’s most endemic bugaboos, commonly blamed for the country’s inability to undertake difficult but critical economic and electoral reforms. European officials are especially worried about instability in Italy, one of the largest and most important economies in the euro zone, and fretted that new elections might unleash new waves of populist anger and threaten the tentative recovery under way on the Continent. Now the question is whether Italy’s newly validated government can emerge stronger and follow through on important reforms, especially to approve sweeping changes to a flawed electoral system that seems designed to produce fractured results. The government was formed five months ago after inconclusive results in national elections; it is an awkward, midwifed partnership between Italy’s competing center-left and center-right parties. The country’s youthful prime minister, Enrico Letta, was often regarded as a doomed figure: sober and well-intentioned but trapped by an unworkable political marriage. On Wednesday, Mr. Letta, 47, made a forceful plea on behalf of the government, warning lawmakers that Italy was emerging from its worst economic slump since World War II and that dissolving the government would only deepen the crisis. He also made clear that Italy’s fate is intertwined with that of Europe and that Italian lawmakers needed to prove they were responsible stewards, willing to tackle tough issues. He said that the political roller-coaster that has consumed Italy this year was no longer tenable and that the government needed a strong confidence vote as an endorsement to push through big reforms and send a signal of stability to businesses and investors. ‘‘Courage and confidence is what I am asking of you,’’ he said. ‘‘Give us the confidence to fulfill our goals, for all that we have accomplished and started in these few months.’’ Beneath such lofty statements, though, was a complicated political fight provoked unexpectedly last week when Mr. Berlusconi ordered his party’s government ministers to resign from the shaky coalition, in hopes of forcing new elections. It was a gamble influenced by Mr. Berlusconi’s own legal troubles: On Oct. 15, he will begin serving a one-year prison sentence, most likely under house arrest, for his recent tax fraud conviction. A commission of the Italian Senate on Friday will resume deliberations to strip him of his Senate seat. A court in Milan will soon rule on how many years he is to be banned from seeking any public office, again based on the tax conviction. Mr. Berlusconi is such a dominant figure over his party, People of Freedom, that internal challenges have been almost unheard of. But with his future unclear, many of his lieutenants unexpectedly rebelled against his order to bring down the government. Most surprisingly, Angelino Alfano, the deputy prime minister and considered one of Mr. Berlusconi’s closest protégés, publicly challenged him on Tuesday, vowing to support the government, even as other center-right lawmakers talked openly of forming a new party. All those fissures were barely publicly on Wednesday: Mr. Berlusconi met with his party leaders before the parliamentary vote and apparently decided to oppose the government. One center-right lawmaker, Renato Brunetta, announced this decision in the Senate. But it quickly became clear that a bloc of moderates led by Mr. Alfano would support the government and possibly form a new party. Meanwhile, Roberto Formigoni, another center-right lawmaker, also spoke about forming his own party. ‘‘We have the numbers,’’ Mr. Formigoni said. ‘‘Those who called us traitors will now see us as farseeing pioneers.’’ With his movement fracturing, Mr. Berlusconi unexpectedly appeared in the Senate at 1:30 p.m. At times covering his eyes with his hands, Mr. Berlusconi eventually stood and pledged his support to Mr. Letta’s government. ‘‘Putting together the expectations and the fact that Italy needs a government that produces institutional and structural reforms, we have decided to vote for the confidence motion, not without internal pain,’’ Mr. Berlusconi said. Analysts said Mr. Berlusconi’s reversal, if embarrassing, was his only option, given his failure to topple the government. If he can reorganize his forces for future elections, analysts said, he can tell voters that he acted in the interests of the nation. It also represented an attempt to corral his mutineers and possibly keep his party together. By Wednesday evening, it remained unclear how center-right lawmakers might follow through on their threats to form new parties. Some center-right lawmakers compared the episode to a family spat and predicted that party would remain intact. But there seemed little doubt that Mr. Berlusconi is an increasingly diminished figure. To many pro-Europe advocates, this will come as good news, since he has often been unpredictable and, at times, critical of European integration. ‘‘Berlusconi is the big loser,’’ said Mario Sechi, a political commentator with Radio 24. ‘‘He has been made lame. He can only try to recover the party, but that will be very difficult.’’ Elisabetta Povoledo and Lucia Magi contributed reporting from Rome. ◼ Get the best global news and analysis direct to your device – download the IHT apps for free today! For iPad: For iPhone:
Posted on: Wed, 02 Oct 2013 20:34:37 +0000

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