From: The News Catlin anticipates Wallace contract developments - - TopicsExpress


From: The News Catlin anticipates Wallace contract developments - Neil Allen Mark Catlin believes Jed Wallace will pen a new Pompey deal in the next couple of weeks. The promising midfielder pledged his future to the Blues before the start of the season. His current contract runs out next summer and he remains one of Pompey’s lowest earners. Encouraging initial talks over extending his Fratton stay took place last month. However, terms and figures have still to be finalised. Catlin now hopes to sit down with Wallace’s representative before the month is out in order to tie up a deal. And with Wallace keen to stick around, Pompey’s chief executive doesn’t anticipate any late hitches. He said: ‘We are still talking to Jed and have made it clear we want him to stay. ‘He wants to remain here as well, so now we’ve got to reach an agreement on the deal. ‘It’s all about the finer details. ‘As far as I am aware, Jed is currently in discussions with his agent over it. ‘We had initial opening talks but have never spoken about any figures. ‘That meeting was about us assuring him he is a valuable part of the club going forward. ‘He wants to stay, too, and that is a good starting point. ‘There is no point holding talks with a player who wants to leave. ‘At that stage, both parties agreed to let the season start and then sit down again. ‘I would assume we will be talking figures and getting down to the nitty gritty in the next couple of weeks. ‘It is something we want to revisit as soon as we can.’ Port Vale and Brighton both had bids rejected for Wallace during the January transfer window. He has been the subject of plenty of interest from scouts ever since, with Leicester the latest to pay close attention. At the age of 19, he represents the Blues’ most saleable asset, despite the club insisting they want him to remain. The extra year option taken up on Wallace’s deal at the end of last season expires next summer. Pompey remain eager to sign him up on a long-term deal, though, as Whittingham seeks to build a team to challenge for success. The next task is to thrash out personal terms with the youngster who is interested in extending his deal. In the meantime, Catlin is adamant there have been no approaches for the attacking midfielder. He added: ‘As in most things in football, interest in players are rarely done very officially now. ‘It is all rumours and people interested in X and Y. ‘Officially and unofficially, we have not had any clubs come in for Jed and neither has Guy. ‘In fact, it seems we are nowhere near that stage.’ Wallace has started all three of Pompey’s games so far this season. He has made a total of 26 appearances for the Blues.
Posted on: Thu, 15 Aug 2013 08:05:39 +0000

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