From The Pastors Desk: How do we reconcile the fact that God is - TopicsExpress


From The Pastors Desk: How do we reconcile the fact that God is sovereign with the fact that He has given us free will as persons? God is indeed sovereign (1 Tim. 6:15). Scripture is clear in this regard. But does man have a free will? That is less clear. First of all, we must understand that the phrase “free will” has different connotations to different people. If we mean that man has the liberty to choose, scripture is clear that he does. Consider the prophet Elijah’s challenge to choose God over an idol: “How long will you hesitate between two opinions? If the Lord is God, follow Him, but if Baal, follow him” (1 Kings 18:21). God was not forcing the people of Israel to worship Baal. They chose to do so of their own volition. But now a caveat must be made. Did they have the ability to choose God? Men lack that ability unless God regenerates their hearts. So a distinction must be made between liberty and ability in seeking to understand free will. God is sovereign and man has true liberty to act, yet lacks ability. In seeking to understand free will, we can say that God is sovereign and man has true liberty to act, yet lacks ability unless God grants him the ability. So if we presume that “free will” means both liberty to choose and the ability to choose, we would have to say there is no free will in man since the Fall (Eph. 2:1-5). Yet man is not an automaton; he is a free moral agent, acting from his nature. If he is unregenerate, he will choose to reject God and the things of God. If he is regenerate, he will be predisposed to and capable of choosing God. Liberty is present for both unregenerate and regenerate man. Ability is present only in regenerate man. In reference to John 6:44, does God compel people to come to him? Based on the Greek word used, which is translated in the New American Standard Version as “draws” in John 6:44, a better translation would be dragged. R.C. Sproul’s explanation of this in his book entitled Chosen is the best I’ve come across.
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 13:06:24 +0000

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