From The Spirit And Truth Worship Center: The reverent, - TopicsExpress


From The Spirit And Truth Worship Center: The reverent, revered, and, Right, Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. FOUGHT for the civil rights of an entire group of people who, before then, lived in the perpetual darkness of Jim Crow LAWS that governed vast regions of our Beloved U. S. of A. He, in all his crusading progression, helped to change the way of Life in the South, branded and booked as a crime perpetrator. A few years after the first, and, yet, only American Civil War was contested, aesthetically, for the freedom of Colored People, but more directly to end of the commercial imbalances, and, gainful enterprise of slave trade in our country, Jim Crow soared into the American conscience, dropping the filth of its lofty fallacy into view. King was a criminal. While the battle that he fought against this insidious behaviour was in itself noble and extremely valued, the acts and intent of THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT warriors unequivocally Broke several laws, and left the reputation and public records of the vandals of the Struggle stained with the taint of criminal conviction. I, too, in my plight to live in a Country that heeds the true letter and edicts protected by the Constitution of The United States of America, have lived in the blazing hot light of interrogation by similar bootlegged, misappropriation of laws concocted to eliminate many of the INALIENABLE rights secured by the venerable, yet widely flouted, and in many cases ignored, charter of American order. At the risk of punishment by penal seclusion, and, fiscal appeasement, I have dared to look wrong squarely in its cross, callous eye, and, demanded, No More!! And it, by sway and malicious municipal machination, has the appearance of unlawful conduct on my part, but, I assure All who chance to wonder, I Am Not a Crook!! What am I, then, if the police have repeatedly accosted me on many a drive, with the roiling will to have my movement in the world deemed inordinate, and, even, illegally, confiscated vehicles, and, in some rare instances, by physical assault, And, threat of worse, hauled me off, without camera, boisterous sing-song War cries, or like minded collective, that stood in acquiescence to the realization if the dream, is, a fighter. I am not afraid to break free from the well-trained masses, who simply are told they MUST License, register, enroll, and, entrench their private property in uncivil red tape. In obedience of The Law. It has cost me, And, to my grievous chagrin, loved ones. Money. Time. Even, crosswise glances, of scorn, and, derision amongst many of my close associations. But, wrong, is wrong, and I will fight on for Right. Willing and going against the tide of the pied, terrified, and, mystified huddle who just go along, getting along, but, captive, enslaved to the frightening notion that theyre going to get you if you question them on the err of their ways. Have you ever even read the Constitution? Do you know what RIGHTS you have? Do you know exactly how many of you Rights have Jim Crow-ed into the outright theft of our ability, given to us by Our Creator, and Righteous Lawgiver? If not, you will. Because I have the audacity of hope, and a love of the Truth, that WILL be empowered by the Right and Good of The Kingdom Of Heaven to ensure that you do not have to keep cadence with blinding injustice. It will come at a price. I alone can not pay it. Whats Right, today, seems wrong, but, we eventually will recognize your INALIENABLE Right to Travel, unhindered, devoid of the current PRIVILEGE status, so unlawfully enforced in this wonderful country we call Home. Pray that Our Fathers Will be done. And that we will have the ABUNDANT Life that Jesus prays for us to enjoy. Thank you for life, Mercy, and, peace, Father. Be Blessed
Posted on: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 09:23:23 +0000

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