From The Twittersphere NAMIBIAN marathon runner Beata Naigambo - TopicsExpress


From The Twittersphere NAMIBIAN marathon runner Beata Naigambo capped off the weekend with a few moments of pure drama at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow yesterday. Beata staggered, stumbled and spun her way towards the finish, all but scraping herself off the ground to eventually claw her way across the line (see also sports pages). Her fighting performance saw tweeps from as far afield as Australia, New Zealand, India, and Scotland, among others, stand up and applaud! Plus, Rice Krispies, ironed toast, Hogwarts, airports, and more... @FiftiethSplash: She might not have won the marathon but my winner has to be B Naigambo. She’s one hell of a fighter #CommonwealthGames @graememcc: #CWG Marathon Never mind the medal places: hell of a finish by Beata Naigambo. Used every last bit of energy to get over the finish line. @lyndser: Watched an absolutely phenomenal display of determination from Namibia’s Naigambo at the end of the marathon. Amazing to see #Glasgow2014 @SmileyChatts: Watching from New Zealand. Beata Naigambo crossing the line almost had me in tears. So relieved she made it. Incredible. @AlfredIpinge: Naigambo truly Namibian. Most dramatic finish ever! Good job! @QuentinHull: Stirring from Naigambo of Namibia to finish marathon. Fell, ran through 90 minutes of pain, stumbled within sight of the line but got there. JUST. @Qu1xot1k: B Naigambo of Namibia, what a finish, great picture of resilience... @sheefeni: Beata Naigambo is one hell of a fighter. Well done for finishing that race. @JerryElago: My #ProudNamibianHero of the Day: #BeataNaigambo – the epitome of hard work, determination and pure grit. @JustR_K: Land of the Brave for you. @xolani_d: Naigambo brilliant spirit to finish through pain, almost collapsed before finishing line but made it. So happy. #Glasgow2014 @willpaisi: Thanks Beata Naigambo, very proud of your courage... @Ohamutumwa: Beata Naigambo just made it to the finish line. 11th position. She was really in pain. AdhisC: That was a very touching finish. Well done, #Naigambo. Finished in spite of pain after falling. #TeamNamibia At Random @Hella_N: I ironed my toast! >>> RT @Chabz_Classic: Boarding school had me eating Rice Krispies with powder milk that I mixed with ... @DblockGIRL: In Namibia you are never too late... lol RT @MemeJaneth: You’re too late, Nalo, lol… @LolapaLoser: I do believe in Hogwarts. I do, I do. @Its_Asser: Apparently this guy fixing my PC will give me (a) free Bible. I hope this time the virus will fear the Holy Spirit. Considerations @SackyShanghala: Let’s celebrate success and not scorn it. We are all winners and we can set up similar Broederbond entities to develop and serve our people. @Moshiejr: Save #AirNamibia. @Nthugbinghi: Hosea Kutako shutdown! The things this country gets right! Or not. Major!!! Passing Shots @Laza_xiv: People who stay in the loo for hours when they know you also want use the loo, stop such cruelty. @sixthformpoet: Putting spaghetti into boiling water’s like taking dozens of straitlaced accountants and spiking their drinks. @BenShilongo: Uhm broke, and it’s Friday!!! What can I do? #Ask­Ngurare @tkhan74: I’ve been calling my wife “honey” for 12 years because I don’t know how to tell her I forgot her name. – Compiled by Jean Sutherland from twitter; you can follow me at: @JeanNamibian
Posted on: Mon, 28 Jul 2014 17:27:44 +0000

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