From Tony Seed: Once again lebensraum is on the - TopicsExpress


From Tony Seed: Once again lebensraum is on the agenda german-foreign-policy/en/fulltext/58712 [Excerpt] The EU has announced a military intervention into the Central African Republic. Last Monday, EU foreign ministers in Brussels decided to soon send soldiers from several EU countries to Bangui to support French troops in that country. The Bundeswehr will most likely participate with transport aircraft and a MedEvac Airbus. The German Foreign Minster has also suggested the possibility of expanding the deployment of German military in Mali. This is where the Franco-German Brigade is due to make its first major deployment. But the power struggle between Germany and France continues to loom in the background. Berlin wants to use the mission in Mali to break Frances exclusive influence in the West African francophone countries. Members of the Bundeswehr have announced that over the next few years Germany will have to deal with Africa, particularly its north and center. Even before ending its (partial) withdrawal from Afghanistan, Germany is already focusing on a new intervention - in line with the global offensive Berlins foreign policy establishment has been pushing for with growing intensity since last autumn.” It should be remembered that at the beginning of the last century, the German colonialists carried out one of the most infamous crimes of genocide in what was then called South West Africa, the modern Namibia. In that colony between 50%-70% of the entire population of two peoples the Herero and the Nama were exterminated. Here use was made of concentration camps and slave labour, while those carrying out these crimes kept precise records of those detained and murdered. It was in this part of Africa that the term lebensraum was apparently first used and where the fascist ideologue Eugen Fischer first carried out what were referred to as experiments on human beings. It is difficult to understand why this great crime should be ignored to this day.
Posted on: Fri, 24 Jan 2014 13:54:32 +0000

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