From Ukraine in Gaza: horror picture US involvement in world - TopicsExpress


From Ukraine in Gaza: horror picture US involvement in world politics Noam Chomsky, the father of universal grammar, explains why America should look to its own laws, instead of military support Israel Noam Chomsky, one of the most striking voices of American left continues his tirade against political duplicity displayed by current and former presidents. How the USA is involved in external conflicts Chomsky made to recall certain events in history which put together gives us a picture of horror American involvement in world politics. Almost every day it happens heinous crimes, but some are so great cruelty so appalling evil that was perpetrated, that stand out. One of these terrible crimes occurred on July 17 when the plane Malaysian Airlines, MH17, was shot down in eastern Ukraine. 298 people were killed, writes Noam Chomsky in an analysis published on his website Defenders of justice in the White House denounced the event as a crime of unimaginable proportions held because of Russian support. UN Ambassador thunder and lightning that when 298 civilians were killed in the shooting down of a plane, nothing should stand in our way to bring to justice those responsible. Also he warned Vladimir Putin, the Russian president, to end the shameful efforts to cast blame on others and avoid to take responsibility. A similar crime: shooting down Iran Air 655 commercial plane Everyone read, and certainly any editor or commentator, he immediately remembered another case where a civilian airliner was shot down Iran Air 655, with 290 deaths, including 66 children. Iranian plane was shot down in July 1988, Irans airspace on a route clearly identified as commercial. The attacker in this case was well known: the American ship USS Vincennes operating in Iranian waters in the Persian Gulf, Noam Chomsky reminds us. Then-US President Ronald Reagan blamed Iran and defended actions warship who followed orders and procedures, firing to protect themselves from possible attack. His successor, George Bush proclaimed that we will never ask sorry, I do not care what the facts say. At that time there had been little reaction. No one was outraged, not looked desperate victims have not looked angrily officers, did not complain about any American ambassador to the United Nations immense and tragic loss when the plane was shot down. Convictions Iranians were noted occasionally and ignored as standard attacks on the United States. However, we might wonder why search Vicennes ship in Iranian waters. The answer is simple warship then came the friend of Washington, Saddam Hussein. Another plane shot down for no one has assumed responsibility There have been other such events. An example would be the Libyan civilian flight which was lost in a sandstorm in 1973 mean when it was shot down by Israeli military aircraft, financed by Americans, just two minutes away from Cairo, the final destination. The dead numbered 110, and Israel blamed the French pilot, which supported the publication The New York Times, adding, however, that Israels action was in the worst case, an act cruelty that can not be excused even through the previous Arab action. The incident was quickly passed to the USA, as part of the very few critics Noam Chomsky continues. When Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir arrived in the United States four days later, faced with embarrassing questions and just came home with us gifts, consisting of military aircraft. Israel versus Palestine. Who challenges whom? However, the Israeli attack on Gaza in July caused great indignation in Washington. President Barack Obama reinforced strong condemnation of Hamas attacks against Israel, noted the newspaper The Hill. The president also expressed concern about the growing number of civilian deaths in Gaza, but without condemning the actions on them. Senate to fill the gaps in the presidents speech, voting unanimous support of Israeli actions in Gaza, while condemning unprovoked attack on Israel Hamas, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas calling for the dissolution of unitary government with Hamas and condemning attacks on Israel. All this - ignoring the fact that in the past 14 years, Israels weekly norm was to kill two Palestinian children, Noam Chomsky notes. Last of the Israeli assault was triggered by the brutal murder of three boys in a community Israelis in the West Bank. A month before, two Palestinian boys were shot in Ramallah in the West Bank town. This incident did not attract attention, but it is understandable since it has become a routine, Chomsky notes with irony. Respected political analyst in Middle East, Mouin Rabbani reports that institutional indifference to the lives of Palestinians from the West promoted helps explain why Palestinians resort to violence, but the last attack of Israel on Gaza. American law prohibits helping those who violate human rights Can we change the policy of the United States? It is not impossible. Public opinion has changed considerably, especially among young people, and can not be ignored completely. For several years there was a sound basis for public requests Washington to see their own laws and to cut military aid given to Israel. American law requires that no security assistance may not be provided to any country the government of which engages in flagrant violations, repeated the internationally recognized human rights Certainly Israel is guilty of such violations of human rights, and do so for many years, Noam Chomsky accused. This is why Amnesty International has called for an embargo on Israel (and Hamas) as a result of military operations in Gaza. Sen. Patrick Leahy, the author of this part of the law of the United States, drew attention to its applicability in the case of Israel, and with the help of well-coordinated efforts, educational and organizational, these initiatives can be pursued successfully. Applying this law could have a significant impact, providing a basis for future action, forcing Washington to become part of the international community and carefully observe international laws and regulations. Nothing could be of greater significance for the Palestinian victims who have endured years of violence and repression, says Noam Chomsky on his website
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:46:14 +0000

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