From: Umar A. Muhammed Hear in this film members of the Military - TopicsExpress


From: Umar A. Muhammed Hear in this film members of the Military (Department of Defense) , and a member of the CIA admit on camera there was an intelligence coverup from top to bottom pertaining to 9/11 in New York. One of the biggest problem was the spy agencies failing to share information with each other . The other problems their main asset was proven over and over to be a serious liar but CIA and the military use him anyway because of his associates and connections he had. It appears these people was looking for possible terrorist operations (in the making )a long time before 9/11. It appear they was looking for Ben Laden before 9/11 but all the various intelligence units where not on the same page. Personally I felt and still feel their are moles and possible sleepers operatives in the U. S. Government spy community . In addition, i feel someone in the U.S. Government might have played a role in 9/11 with the purpose of smoking out Bin Larden or for some other purpose. In my opinion sometimes when people have done a major crime like 9/11 their egoes make it hard for them to keep a secret especially if they feel they have outsmart the best minds in the country. In this case you must look for psychological indicators in the person speech and behavior . With patient the truth about that person role will come out. Sometimes if you listen to the voice tones and words uses in the various intelligence agents who speak in public you get the feeling not every agent is in love or loyal to the United States. To me that is a big threat to the security of the United States. Because these people are in position to do damage to the U.S. vindictively . When I am listening to these people speak publicly I am watching eye movement , voice modulation , voice tone, emotional changes when certain questions are being ask. All this is telling me about the sincerely or the fake ness of the speaker. It is also giving me indicators if the speaker is lying or telling the truth. Their truth or lies help to get a clearer picture when you are comparing that agent with other agents . The imformation from the speakers and the multitude of other data will tell you how or to what degree the seriousness is on the subject at hand which now subject of 9/11 . Every citizen if they can should try to analyzes these various Government officials who been speaking publicly . Sooner or later if there is someone who is dirty in what happen on 9/11 he or she is going to expose themselves because people with egos cant hold themselves forever.
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:34:30 +0000

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