From Unfit Unhealthy and Obese, to a Skinny Weak Cardio Bunny, to - TopicsExpress


From Unfit Unhealthy and Obese, to a Skinny Weak Cardio Bunny, to a Powerful Strong Muscular Athletic SheBeast The past decade of my life hasnt been an easy one. God knows that Ive had my struggles and my demons. Ive had many more downs than ups, thats for sure. Ive never been able to find that balance, and have always found myself yoyo-ing back and forward. But Im finding my feet and on a very positive path. The journey never ends, you just find better route ways and slip roads to go down! Im really excited to see where I am this time next year. To say Im focused and dedicated is an understatement. I have my heart set on a goal and I wont stop until I reach it. No matter how many obstacles are put in my way! Having said that, Im no different to anyone else. I am a normal, down to earth girl... I have my demons, insecurities and flaws - I have some cellulite on my legs - I still have a bit of a belly - I get acne - I am not perfect by any shape or form. Nobody is! This is something I always try to remind myself of... There is no such thing as perfection. I am not striving to be perfect, I am striving to be the best version of ME. Not someone else - not a famous fitness/physique model female athlete/cross fitter/powerlifter - ,just ME. Indeed its great to have others to be inspired by, to give you that push you might need. But you have to remember this.. Everyone is unique! We all have different bodies, different shapes and sizes, different goals and aims. For me and my shape, Ill never be a stick thin girl. (Though it took me years to accept that!). Ive always had broad shoulders and through lifting have acquired big legs. I know I will never ever be a size 8. But thats ok! I now embrace my curves and strong, athletic physique. I love having muscles and being strong, fit and most of all, healthy! Anything that Ive achieved hasnt come easy... Ive had to work my bloody arse off to achieve it! Anything worth having in life never comes easy. If youve to work damn hard for it, youll appreciate it a whole lot more. I really do believe that! And yes, Im highly motivated and determined. But Im human at the end of the day.. I get days when I feel like shit, demotivated and just completely fed up, asking myself whats the point anymore?. I find myself questioning my motivation and my ability to reach my goal. I have to fight really hard to push those negative thoughts to the back of my head. To try stay grounded, reasonable and logical about my goals and aims. As my bro and coach Darragh always says to me how long is a piece of string?. Its never ending! This statement brings me back to reality. Though I hate when he says it, it frustrates me so bloody much! Purely because I know its the truth! Im trying to achieve the physique Ive always dreamt of... Boulder shoulders, a 4 pack, Christmas tree down my back... But it wont come easy or over night! As Ive said, I have to work dam hard to see results. Im not one of those who can walk out of the gym in 8 weeks looking like a whole new person. No, Im that girl in the gym slogging her guts out, day in and out! Im that girl who has to watch everything she eats, and has to stay consistent with her diet. I didnt become obese due to my dislike for food after all! Theres a fat girl still inside me, who has to be tamed! There will always be struggles. But its how you manage them that matters most! Can I just say that Im completely overwhelmed by the support from you all. Especially you awesome ladies! Its really motivating to receive such positive messages from you other women. It really helps me to stay focused knowing they I have your support, I want to be as real as I can on this page, so you can all relate and hopefully take something from my struggles and achievements. My journey isnt over by any means, but I am damn proud of myself for how far Ive come! Never ever disregard your progress. Embrace it and use it as fuel to push forward. You can be your own inspiration! I hope my story has shown you that anyone can achieve great things once you put your mind to it. The proof is in the pudding! Aim high, dream big, fight damn hard, kick those negative thoughts to the curb, stay focused and patient, and keep that winning attidude! ❤️ darraghhayes
Posted on: Fri, 10 Oct 2014 12:04:31 +0000

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