From Warriors Angel by Heather Killough-Walden (Please - TopicsExpress


From Warriors Angel by Heather Killough-Walden (Please share.) The masked stranger slowed with the musics waning tempo, and Rhiannon felt his hand press at her back, drawing her closer. He leaned in, just enough, and her already rapidly beating heart quickened. “I must tell you, Miss Dante,” he told her softly, “you look ravishing tonight.” His voice was deep and melodic, each lilt and note perfect, each tone sliding around her body like a fog of warm silk. Somewhere in the back of Rhiannon’s experienced brain, alarm bells began to sound. But they were muffled by that fog. “I’m afraid you have me at a disadvantage,” she heard herself reply. Her own voice seemed muffled too, softened by distance and the pounding of her heart. She was surprised she’d managed such an intelligent response. “Mm,” he admitted with a slightly wicked smile. He turned, spinning her around him in time with the other masquerade dancers. “I suppose I do.” His smile became a grin. There was something about it that sent butterflies – black ones, with blood red wing tips – fluttering deep in her belly. “But if there is one thing I’ve learned over the years, it’s never to give up a tactical advantage.” Spoken like a warrior, she thought. At once, the image from her dream flashed before her mind’s eye: The stranger, standing at a cliff’s edge, battle torn and scarred, and utterly, terribly beautiful…. She swallowed, fighting past a tightness in her throat. “If there is anything I have learned,” she returned now, drawing strength from some unknown place where uncertainty resided, “it’s that I don’t do well when cornered.” There was a rumbling, distant but significant, that rolled over the cathedral and signaled an on-coming storm. It didn’t take long for Rhiannon to realize that she was the cause of it. He was getting to her, this stranger. The man in black looked up toward the cathedral’s rafters, then looked back down at her. Now there was something in his expression that tensed Rhiannon’s gut and forced her pulse into hyperdrive. “You are a force to be reckoned with.” Suddenly, his grip tightened, and before she could react, he had stopped at the center of the dancing crowd and pulled her completely against him. The hardness of his body on hers, the darkness of him, the scent of him, and the oceans of depths in his eyes left her at once breathless. For the first time in her life, Rhiannon Dante, the woman who could throw cars with her mind, the woman with pyrotechnic powers that took down buildings, and the woman with the ability to bring forth a hurricane, was utterly helpless. “But you have weaknesses,” he told her now, whispering the words across her lips. The feel of his breath, and the nearness of his mouth were a heady combination, turning her knees to jelly. Outside, the thunder drew closer. If he hadn’t been holding her up, she might have fallen. “Everyone does, Rhiannon.” He leaned in, holding her even tighter so that he could whisper in her ear. A shiver, wanton and delicious, went through her when he said, “I’m willing to bet I can find every one of yours.” Warriors Angel is available now at eBook sellers everywhere.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 17:15:58 +0000

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