From William Newton: The purpose of Einsteinian Relativity was to - TopicsExpress


From William Newton: The purpose of Einsteinian Relativity was to hide the existence of the Aether which is the key to not only understanding the Cosmos and the Earths place at the center, but to unlocking the world of Tesla Free Energy technology. In the 1880s and in 1905 (Miller) the famous Mitchelson~Moorely experiments demonstrated that the Earth was not revolving, but the Aether was turning round the Earth at the approximate speed of once every 24 hours. They expected to perceive that the Earth was spinning at a prodigious rate required for a spinning Earth theory. Unless the Earth is spinning at an incredible rate, to account for the 24 hour Sun cycle of day and night, it would mean that the Sun is in fact orbiting the Earth. In order to cover up the obvious implications of this experiment (which was meticulously duplicated and expanded in 1905), Michelson reported a Null result, but the results were not null, they were just too astounding, that is to say too revolting to the Standard Capurnican/Gallileo model of the Earth going round the Sun. The Mitchelson Moorely results were later duplicated 100,000 times by 1930. This gave the alchemists in the Vatican an enormous menstrual ache. Einstein, being EINSTEIN said lets pretend that null means zero and then let us assume that space itself is empty. Viola!!!! Abolish the Aether. Einstein said let there be nothing & there was intellectual eclipse. At this time a Jesuit Monk, mathematician (not a scientist, physicist or an astronomer) named Lameitre proposed a mathematical solution based on the empty space assumption of Relativity (Read: NO AETHER) called, The Big Bang out of nothing theory. All preposterous and rejected by every great scientist of the day. Here is how the Knee bone connects to the Thigh bone: Aether = Space is not empty = unbridled Free Energy = Young Earth at the center of the Universe = Earth not turning or revolving around the Sun = No Big Bang Out of Nothing = No evolution over billions & Billions of years, but Intelligent personal design creation, instantly = Bible is true = No Luciferian Sun Worship.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 21:47:47 +0000

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