From: Xa Wei Huang Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:30 - TopicsExpress


From: Xa Wei Huang Sent: Tuesday, January 25, 2011 3:30 PM Subject: Fw: Tanrich - 敦沛 ! / East Week Magazine lastest report WITH NEW FRAUD WHAT IS WANG YAN LONG (IN CHARGE OF JUSTICE), TANG KING SHING, now Tsang Wai Hong (IN CHARGE OF POLICE), JOHN TSANG (IN CHARGE OF FINANCIAL) DOING ?! EVERYBODY KNOWS WHAT DONALD TSANG IS DOING !!! HONGKONG GOVERNMENT, WHEN WILL YOU START WORKING ??? SPECIAL ATTENTION After sending out the SPECIAL NOTICE in May, received quite a few feedbacks, the following are replies from unfortunate victims being cheated by the same company Tanrich - 敦沛 8 years ago, 10 years ago and a 3rd victim 15 years ago. Another victim contacted me to say she was cheated by a different company in Central 3 years ago but she has not given up getting her money back ! During the last 3 years she found such fraud cases can survive for so many years because even the Hong Kong government do not care much about such atrocious commercial crimes and crooks have almost become licensed to rob and their treatment to victims are like triads !!! PLEASE EMAIL TO : goodnews@netvigator if you know similar fraud cases. Lets clean Hong Kong up from crooks !!! Thanks very much ! QUOTE September 14. 2009 Hi Krystal, This is kc. Id like to be kept anonymous. Please do not disclose my contact information in your SPECIAL ATTENTION. I dont like to receive unsolicited faxes. I have contacted OFTA several times on those faxes. Although your fax is not solicited, Id like to say thank you. There are lots of those bad organizations in Hong Kong. However, I dont see any actions against them. The police does not help, although theyll say that they CANNOT help. Its natural that lazy bugs will avoid work. Your work is appreciated. Ive received tertiary education and am at my late forties. I myself have been cheated several times by these companies. They have very clever tricks to catch your attention. The worst, and hopefully last, experience is from Tanrich about ten years ago. Ive lost nearly all cash on hand. I was so depressed that I cannot think of any appropriate reaction other than forcing myself to work and work, trying to distract from the sad memory. When the cash was deposited into Tanrich, its in a black box. The agent informed you daily on the trade results. Having a full time job, theres no spare time to listen and memorize the data and figures. At first, there will be some gain and some loss. A couple of months later, there will be a land slide. You have to deposit a hell a lot of money otherwise youll lose everything. No matter you deposit the call margin or not, your hard earned cash will vaporize with a short notice, sooner or later. To understand the trade and the regulations is a pretty big project. To follow the trade is a full time job. If you dont have the energy and time, such activities should never be attempted. There are lots of other investment means. In the past years I did receive cold calls from Tanrich. I advised the kids to quite the evil job. I have to thank you for alerting people, keeping them away from infamous companies like Tanrich. Good luck! kc UNQUOTE SFC reprimands and fines Tanrich Futures Ltd, bans its former responsible officer Yip Man Fan The Securities and Futures Commission (SFC) has resolved compliance issues with Tanrich Futures Ltd (Tanrich Futures) (Note 1) and banned its former responsible officer, Mr Yip Man Fan, for nine months (Note 2). Under the resolution: the SFC reprimands and fines Tanrich Futures $4 million; Tanrich Futures will engage an independent audit firm to conduct a review of its internal controls for the prevention of cold calling and locking (Note 3); the timing of the review will be selected by the SFC; and if cold calling and locking transactions were found to be material within a two-year period, Tanrich Futures will be suspended for a minimum of 12 months. The disciplinary action follows the SFC’s investigations into complaints received from the clients of Tanrich Futures and the misconduct of its licensed representatives (Note 4). The SFC found that Tanrich Futures failed to: take reasonable steps to ensure its representatives properly understood the prohibition against cold calling; adequately supervise its representatives to reasonably ensure their compliance with the laws against cold calling; and reasonably ensure that the investment advice given by its representatives to clients to “lock” their futures trading positions was suitable and reasonable in the circumstances (Note 5). The failures of Tanrich Futures were attributed to Yip. He neglected his management responsibility as a responsible officer who was also involved in the management of regulated business at Tanrich Futures. End 曾慧蓮向記者推銷買賣倫敦金時,隻字不提是高風險的孖展投資,只不斷吹噓可在兩個月內為記者賺取四萬元利潤。 國際金價近期屢創新高,上周更升至每盎司一千七百美元歷史高位,港人一窩蜂買金投資,炒金熱潮勢不可擋。 不過本刊收到投訴,指一名從事倫敦金孖展投資的女經紀,近月借參加商會活動,落嘴頭o氹會員開戶進行黃金買賣,但銷售過程中並無講明有關投資是高風險的黃金孖展,更訛稱毋須補倉,至少有十多名會員中招慘蝕近百萬,當中包括藝人謝天華胞弟、著名皮膚科醫生謝梓華。 本刊深入調查後發現,涉事女經紀曾慧蓮原來早有前科,○四年曾被控無牌從事槓桿式外匯交易,如今竟重施故技,皆因買賣黃金孖展並無納入證監會的監管範圍。在無王管的情況下,恐怕有更多人受騙。 2009/6/24 Janet Wong 約15年前我也有類似的經歷;被騙去40萬元,起初我也不相信一間看似有規模的公司 ( Tanrich - 敦沛 ) ,一个看似有讀過書有修養的老實人 會做如此事; 於是,我先生帶我上去該公司和我的經紀 (Nico, W.T. Chan 陳偉濤) 理論, 結果當然是沒結果! 我先生當着Nico Chan 面前表明知道是沒法可以拿回那40萬元, 他只想我看清這个社會的陰暗面, 人心的險惡, 讓我不再那麽天真,容易相信人. 40萬當作買个教訓. 我慶幸自己有个明白事理的丈夫, 才不至家吵屋閉. 但有多少人能像我這般幸運? 有多少人因此而家破人亡, 婚姻失敗 ? 這幾年仍不時有敦沛的經紀打電話來 cold call , 有時真想狠狠地罵他們一頓 ! 難到他們不怕報應的嗎? 上年我先生在某間公司的所謂投資研討會上, 碰上我當年的經紀 (Nico, W.T. Chan 陳偉濤) 就在會上教人投資!! 唉! 只能叫身边的人小心再小心!! 到處都是老千, 人心險惡 !! 2009/6/22 Shirley Ng YES. Its a scam!!! I had same case happened to me last year with a company called China Gold that I lost $530,000 in 4 days. I trusted them in the first place, they kept telling me I was gaining money, 4 days later I wanted to close my account and get all my money back, they said they lost all money which only affected on the final settlement. I was shock and had awaken of whats a scam! They even asked for another $500,000 to help my honey back, I of course said NO! Then, all my money was gone, I hv been to a difficult time since then. I went to Lawyer, police, government organisation couldnt do anything about it! I hv learnt a big lession!!!!! PS: China Gold has just changed to another company name called Asia Gold to continue their business!!! ----- Original Message ----- From: Mo Kwok To: Your Friend Sent: Tuesday, May 05, 2009 4:53 PM Subject: Re: Tanrich Your message was bit late to me. I know theyre such a crap. My sister & me lost a lot a money in this company 8 years ago, & weve been a difficult time since then. Now were in huge debt as well. What we can say? Were stupid. Weve learnt a lesson. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- If a victim suffered losses 8 years ago, it is highly unlikely for Yip Man Fan the Chairman of Tanrich not to know about the cheating ! God knows how many people have been victimised by such companies over the years !! Please advise if you know anybody who has similar unfortunate experiences and encourge them to speak up to gather more strength. The police should have a collection of such cases !!! We should all protect Hong Kongs image and reputation as the International Financial Centre! Thanks very much ! 做人金錢不是最重要的, 還有親情, 友情, 誠信比什麼都重要, 如果為了錢連人格尊嚴都不要, 那這樣的人將是受人鄙視的........ 人善人欺天不欺,人惡人怕天不怕 swine flu might just be the beginning of cleaning up garbage people whose behaviour no longer qualify them to continue to be human beings !!! PLEASE NOTE YIP MAN FAN (葉民勳) (CHAIRMAN OF TANRICH) IS LISTED ON GOLD AND SILVER TRADING AS PERSON IN CHARGE, SUSANNA CHAN (陳淑嫺 ) IS ONLY THE SECOND NAME. HOW CAN TANRICH THE LISTED COMPANY NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE FOLLOWING CASE ? 030 敦沛金號有限公司 香港港灣道18號中環廣場1706-8室 葉民勳 陳淑嫺 On April 8 a woman named Angel Yip (葉麗貞)called me and said would like to meet with me. I said I was busy and Yip said there is a book she wanted to give me, she will take it to my door and then I said OK. It is about Tanrich (dated April-June, 2009), second edition. Yip asked whether I have heard of Tanrich and I said not much, she said it is a listed company. She was trying to promote platinum and said price of platinum has dropped by 70% and it is now in its first cycle of price rise because the cost price of platinum is around US$1,100 and it is only at its cost price and it cannot go wrong. Yip also mentioned the word margin and my immediate reaction was margin is very dangerous. Yip said margin is only a tool and can be easily controlled by human beings. I told Yip my experience is I have to work very hard to earn every cent. I do not have the luck to make easy money at all and my investment experiences are so far not good so I try to avoid doing anything risky !!! Yip said most of their clients deposit 1/2 million or a million HK$ with them and can easily make a good profit. The next day Yip called me and ask me to go to their office to give me some information. I went based on finding out more of what’s going on. When I got to 17th Floor, Central Plaza, Yip asked whether I have brought a cheque. I thought to myself why should I bring any money. Yip then told me what a perfect timing it is to invest in platinum etc. Yip brought Andy Wu(鄔志偉)into the meeting room. I asked whether there are people losing and Yip said if client listens to them, client will make money. I asked what is Wu’s performance in the company and Yip said he is very good. Wu said he has been helping clients invest in precious metals for many years already and it is such a good opportunity to buy platinum because like Yip said, Wu also repeated the price will go up to at least US$1,400 from the current US$1,180 and in fact it is a very conservative forecast because the market expects US$1,600. They both urge me to open account immediately and go to the bank to get HK$80,000 so I can catch the rise and make profit right away. I repeated myself again and again that I do not have good investment experiences and I have come to a stage that I do not even want to have the “feeling” of losing money. Yip said I can rest assured because Wu is so hard working and will take such good care of my money and he works till 2 am everyday to protect my interests. I asked since they are so confident, can they guarantee in black and white. They said they cannot but again verbally guarantee they are so sure that this is the right time doing the right thing and I cannot go wrong. I said I have no knowledge whatsoever in this whole business and since they said they are so confident about profit making I will have to depend on them since I am totally ignorant. I then went to the bank with Yip to transfer HK$80,000 into Tanrich account. After Easter holiday Wu said he is so sure of the market that I should really seize the opportunity to make up the loss from my previous bad experiences. He suggested I should deposit another HK$320,000. He asked Yip to wait for me at the bank to get the bank draft. Upon receipt of the total amount he then said he would start buying platinum for me at US$1,229. I again said I know nothing about it and will depend on Wu’s advice. Wu said since I am very concerned about profit and loss, he suggests to buy gold as well since this will balance the risk. I did not understand how it operates but since he said he knew how to help me eliminate risk I just did not say anything any more. A couple of days later I called Yip to ask why buy gold because initially they only told me platinum was a golden investment. Yip said Wu has already explained and Wu knows what to do. The next couple of days Wu was very busy calling me to tell me he had made money by buying and selling gold and I thought he really was very good. He said for every transaction he had spent a few hours observing the market, it was not at all easy. He had put in so much hard work in order to achieve this result !!! I was very grateful for his hard work and said would treat him to tea !!! When I received the statement on April 17 I was shocked to see a loss of over HK$130,000. I called Wu asking why he did not tell me the loss but only kept telling he made a few thousands here and there. Wu said because it is only a floating loss and not yet settled, he did not want to worry me. I then started questioning and Wu said in that case it is very difficult for him to operate because he is under pressure. I told him I had already made myself and my position very clear. If they were not so confident to make profit, I would not have done anything. Wu said I must give him time and trust him in order for him to achieve results he promised !!! He then went ahead to do more buying and selling saying he will make up the loss. I asked whether he was sure because it sounds like gambling to me and this is definitely not what I want as I will not gamble at any point in time. I am a very conservative person and would rather not make any profit than to take any risk !!! Around April 21 Wu told me my account was in deficit and I must pump in more money, I could not believe my ears and was extremely depressed but I knew then I had made a huge mistake of trusting the wrong “human beings” and I had totally lost trust in Wu and Yip. They still said if I pumped in more money, they could help me. I told them if they were so confident they should continue “to make money” but I just wanted to get my blood, sweat and tears money back. Seeing I was so heart broken, Wu said he would see what he could do but later in the afternoon he called to say I must pump in cash or else I would lose everything. I realized I had put myself into big trouble and started calling Tanrich people and got hold of Wendy Si (施). I told her the case and had an appointment to meet a Gary Hui morning of April 24 at 9 am. During the day someone called me to ask me to pay and I said I had an appointment to discuss the problem. Around 9:30 pm April 23 Wu called to say if I did not pay immediately I would lose everything. I said I would like to have meeting morning of April 24 to see whether problem can be resolved and the last I would like to see was to lose everything, which was the reverse of what I was promised !!! Wu said the market rule could not wait and I could not sleep in view of what happened. I cannot believe I was dealing with “human beings“ On April 25 afternoon there was a seminar at Marriott Hotel with Tanrich as one of the sponsors, I went to their counter and said a few words about my horrible experience and was asked by one of their staff to have a chat outside of the seminar room. Since it was a short break he said he would talk to me later. After the seminar he asked me to have coffee near Pacific Place and told me the 16/F people are suffering as a result of 17/F people damaging the reputation of Tanrich. He said 17/F have handled all kinds of complaint cases they are well prepared and very experienced and he told me to be careful when dealing with 17/F. I had since been to 16th Floor a few times since Yip said Tanrich is a listed company but the 16/F people told me 16/F has nothing to do with 17/F although they share the same name and Tanrich Buillions name appear on the same website !!! Not only that but Yip and Wu are not even employees, they are only agents and do not seem to be responsible for the company’s reputation at all. Only after much pain and effort I was able to make 16/F to get a Robert Cheung (張迺信) to talk to me but his attitude was they have done nothing wrong, and they are doing everything according to the law !!! I asked Cheung to get Yip and Wu to use their “conscience” (if they still have) to write what the verbal conversation was, Cheung originally promised to let me have it before May 8 but the next day he called to say his lawyers said they do not need to do this !!! I know I am a bit hard luck all these years but I have never come across such “beings” that are so ruthless and irresponsible and couldn’t care less about other people especially when I have been so open and honest and trust these people 100% although I do not know them before ! If they did not “promise”, I would never have entrusted my blood, sweat and tears money with them ! WHO on earth are they after all ? !!! When I asked Cheung a couple of days ago for some documents, I was told by Cheung that Yip and Wu ARE employees and NOT agents !!! I started contacting some organisations such as Hong Kong Securities Commission regarding the fraud case of Tanrich Bullion and was told Chinese Gold and Silver Exchange (CGSE) is supposed to regulate such companies. On May 11 I called the CGSE. Arthony Ho answered the phone and immediately replied Tanrich Bullion (敦沛金業) is not their member, 敦沛金號 is their member, they can do nothing !!! I could not believe I have come across such professional cunning crooks ! I called again and talked to Victor Tsang who said they will investigate the case by sending a letter to Susanna Chan (陳淑嫻 ) person in charge of 敦沛金號 and ask them to explain within 7 days and I can have a meeting with her. Meantime, Tsang was quitely friendly and even said the transactions shown on the statement are abnormal but wait till they talk to Chan. I kept in touch with Victor Tsang asking when the meeting could be held, he said Chan was out of town, returning to Hong Kong around May 14. However, he said their authority is very limited because they are like homeowners association, actually members are like their bosses. If fault is on their members side, the maximum they can do is to suspend their license. This explains why crooks are so ruthless ! By the time Chan was supposed to be back in Hong Kong, Victor Tsang said they needed to go through internal investigation before writing to Chan. Finally after 3 weeks Tsang said they sent letter to Chans office and did not hear anything. On the seventh day I was unable to talk to Tsang, he referred the fraud case to a woman named Xandria Chan from the CGSE said their findings show they find no fault on Tanrich Bullion (敦沛金業). The whole time when asking such people simple questions they will never give you a clear answer such as who is in charge of Tanrich Bullion (敦沛金業) ? What position does Xandria Chan hold, what role does she play, who does she report to ? CGSE staff members sound like Tanrich Bullion (敦沛金業). Everything about them seemed to be secrets and they do not even want to answer simple questions after you become a victim !!! I called Tsang again since it is useless talking to Xandria Chan and requested to meet the CEO of CGSE, Tsang said he will reply within 15 minutes but I heard nothing. When calling Tsang the next day, he became very unhelpful and said they will do absolutely nothing and I can go ahead to take whatever actions I choose !!
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 10:59:31 +0000

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