From a forum I read, food for thought: Obamas statements at the - TopicsExpress


From a forum I read, food for thought: Obamas statements at the G7 were very revealing, and not in the way he intended them to be. You might have noticed that immediately following a speech Obama made at the G7 meeting yesterday, virtually every single mainstream news outlet faithfully parroted out the same handpicked one liner: Obama says Russia acting out of weakness and Russia is a regional power. This is revealing on a number of levels. Any time you see a choreographed media blitz like this you should pay attention. They are attempting to redefine the narrative. Controlling the narrative is key. In the world of media, politics and public relations, the facts are not nearly as important as the way those facts are interpreted. The first thing we can gather from Obamas statement, and the way it was promoted by the corporate media, is that they are not at all happy with the fact that Washingtons so called sanctions on a handful of Russian politicians are being widely interpreted as toothless, or that Putin is being depicted as having outmaneuvered the Obama administration yet again (the first time of course being in the Syrian crisis of 2013). They are attempting to distract the public from their own weakness by projecting it onto Putin. The second thing we can gather here, is that the corporate media is losing its ability to control the narrative. The media campaign to demonize Putin and to imbue Obamas new threats with gravity over the past week has been frenetic, and yet it utterly failed. Putins approval rating skyrocketed to its all time high, while Obamas approval rating hit a new all time low. More importantly, they utterly failed to alter the perception that Putin is fundamentally stronger and better at diplomacy than anyone in the Obama administration. That perception of weakness is dangerous. Especially for an empire ( the USA ) that is less and less capable of projecting physical power. Though the United States has used its military and covert operations to bring down non-cooperative governments many times since World War II, most of the time this hasnt been necessary. The U.S. government and its NATO satellites have been running the world like a mafia runs a neighborhood: with a little bit of force and a lot of intimidation. Most of the time just a threat is enough to bend a nation to their will, but thats not working now. What Putin did in the Syrian crisis and again in the Ukrainian crisis was historic; not because of the specifics of either situation, but because for the first time since the fall of the Soviet Union a nation has stood up to the U.S. and won. Not once, but twice. Russia set an example that others might copy. Like I said two weeks ago the Score is: Putin 2; Obama 0
Posted on: Sat, 29 Mar 2014 10:52:06 +0000

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