From a friend Facebook is not your diary, neither is it - TopicsExpress


From a friend Facebook is not your diary, neither is it your life, stop treating it as such. Its really not worth it. The alarming rate at which people mince their real life with facebook life. Is it some sort of search for a cheap attention or what? This especially affects ladies much. Dispute these if you think Im wrong! Being single is not easy o, Its good to be married, when will I get married? These married sisters are intimidating us etc...... Are you placing yourself on advert or what? Are you making it seem like Allaah is being unfair to you? Are you seeking unnecessary pity? Are you seeking cheap attention? Oh Allaah, bless we singles with pious spouses...Is facebook your praying mat? Think! My husband is the best husband in the world. Im so grateful to have this kind of husband, my hubby my pride, Hes the coolest man maashaa Allaah etc........... Who asks you to describe your husband? Who are you giving the thanks to on fb? I guess not to Allaah (SWT)... Are you intimidating some people who had failed marriages? Think! Beware of evil eyes, evil minds who are not happy with your marital success. If youre thankful......say it to Allaah, not to Facebook! .....and If your marriage is not working, say it to Allaah, dont complain on fb. Beware of those who will be happy because youre unhappy. IVC on point, KBC loading, Halqah mode activated, Madrasah on my mind, its Jumah..reading surah Khaf etc.... Must we know all that you think you do for Allaahs sake? Must you announce all your Ibaadah? Think! Hide your good deeds like you hide your sins. Since you dont announce when you pile up solaat, so? Dont sell away your reward for nothing on facebook! Dont sell it for 50likes and 100comments, it isnt worth it! You aint doing it for your fb friends, so why update them? Maa shaa Allaah, my new Jilbaab is so cute! Niqabi and proud, I feel cool in this Khimar etc.... So what? Fine, you wear the niqab, why announce it? Concealing the hijaab itself is hijaab...u get? Come on sis! Stop being childish, If youre cool in your hijaab, alhamdulillaah, I see no how that is important to your facebook timeline......u nless its for showoff, which of course is unislaamic. Infact, its a babyish act. Eating pounded yam and egusi soup, delicious chicken and chips on point, come and join....etc. Posting pictures of dishes, updating where you are (eg at shoprite)....all these and the likes are merely display of immaturity. Think! A muslim doesnt showoff or intimidate, not evryone can afford that dish you posted, please dont make people feel cheated.... These are just to mention a few of the things that I think are not worth sharing on facebook. I believe we know the likes of I cant mention all. I stand to be corrected though, I dont think facebook is really worth sharing our personals. Sisters especially! Stop displaying your life on fb. Facebook is a social network, let it remain so. Post socials, if you want to make it a dawah page, fine, go on with good intention. But not as a diary! Facebook is not your personal journal. A mere glance at your timeline should not give a full insight to your real life. Dont summarize your life into one handy book (fb) where every cat and kitten can just pick, read and drop! Conceal and protect your actual life sis. Note! Im not advocating pretence here, Im not saying your facebook life should potray you differently from your actual life, my point is just as Ive stated above. This is not pointing at anyone particularly, infact, I see myself in this post too...yeah, I fall into some as well. .... this is just a naseeha and not an accusation. Lets all endeavour to adjust. May Allaah rectify you and I.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 11:26:02 +0000

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