From a noncustodial mom on another post: First of all, Ill - TopicsExpress


From a noncustodial mom on another post: First of all, Ill admit Ive, more often than not, read this page and felt things have taken to just mom bashing lately. Just seeing the words Fathers Rights Movement makes me cringe. But you know what? Im an asshole for that. Through this group, Ive met a plethora of men who went from husband and father to ex and visitor. Men who lost life savings, homes, and now work endlessly to bring home almost nothing because it all goes to their ex and their attorney. Ive met men who has endured jail time and lost the right to be alone with their child because of false abuse claims. Men that have been taken to task and painted as villainous wastes in court in one broad, effortless stroke by a vengeful ex. Yet... Ive only met one mother thats experienced that. Me. An indication of a bigger issue yet is the fact that I have told my story here on this page - anonymously with all gender identifiers removed and all comments assumed I, as the NCP, was dad and the unhinged CP was the mother. Not because were a bunch of misogynists, but because thats how it goes around here. Like I said... Ive only met one woman whos ex has successfully painted her into the corner of the courthouse. And its me. Any post that rubs at least someone the wrong way is a good post, even if that someone is me sometimes. We need to be ruffling feathers, grabbing your attention, getting you thinking. Coddling and warm fuzzy rhetoric isnt going to perpetuate change. But above all... This group is not a group of mom bashers. Everyone has been nothing but kind and respectful to me. Ive been met with open arms at the rallies. They went out of their way, gave their own money and time to put together a Mothers Day dinner for NC moms to bring us into the fold, take the sting out of Mothers Day without our kids, and make us feel a part of the group. Well... where were you? Its not about mom OR dad bashing. Its that there is an undeniable bias in our courts. And its usually in moms favor.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 15:50:50 +0000

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