From a perspective of what is divine, and trying to put it in a - TopicsExpress


From a perspective of what is divine, and trying to put it in a way that can be used universally, consider the following statement: the laws of physics and metaphysics apply to everything in existence. The problem with laws and rules is that they can be bent or broken. However, there are some really primitive fundamentals that cant be denied. The first is for every action, there is an opposing reaction. Whether that reaction is less than, greater than, or equal to the initial input or action is up to the force producing the output or reaction. Thats me putting what Im about to say in terms not attached to the divine. If you have issues with talking about God, you already should have gotten the point. But I urge you to read on. Laws that can be broken, such as taking ones life, scamming, stealing from and misleading a person through falsehood and half-truths is certainly an input. And while the (Universal) Law of Life is broken, this still counts as input--as an action. Just because you dont see an instant reaction doesnt mean its not coming to you. Look at me, 29 and nowhere where I want to be with my life. Ive had plenty of failures, and plenty of successes. But for some reason, I am still here. For whatever reason. I have been wronged and I have wronged. And believe me when I say this--every single experience I had met the criteria for what we call Karma. When I wronged someone, I was wronged in a way such that if I were paying attention to what the signs and the obvious were showing me, then I learned a lesson from it. When I did right by people, it would come in the form of something that appeared to be good luck. In reality, its God/the Universe, and the principles of Karma. The reason I have the knowledge and abilities I do have is because I have been wronged when I did right by the same people who wronged me. I have faced death, both voluntarily and involuntarily, numerous times. And when I thought I would surely perish, somehow, the odds ended up in my favor--even though they were heavily against me. God/the Universe is not mocked. There is nothing new under and above the Sun. Everything you do has already been done. So I say this to you, today: while what is considered right and wrong is a sign of the times, there are certain things we all can absolutely agree on that will always be wrong, regardless of your religion, belief system or customs. The first is taking life. Even when you have to defend yourself, to take someones life is not something anyone should be proud of or happy to do. However, sometimes you have to make a wrong move to make things right. So if you have to defend yourself, then do it knowing that you will only be penalized if you kill someone outside of self defense. This includes wars and skirmishes. If you kill someone before they act, then you are dead wrong--just like Israel has been doing the Palestinians. If you kill someone after they act in a manner that puts your life at risk (if people retaliated against Israel for provoking and acting in the manner they are acting), the only penalty you face is having blood on your hands. Otherwise, you may be faced with death. Nonetheless, death always commands more death. And then what? Who else is required to feel your Wrath? Everyone who mocked you? Everyone who ignored you? Everyone who didnt help you? Realize this puts you in the first category--of killing without Just and reasonable cause. You will be faced with the same fate as you served, and that is death. It can become a hectic and never ending cycle.
Posted on: Sun, 05 Oct 2014 22:54:27 +0000

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