From a post by John Greally Âûhn Greally Au John Greally - TopicsExpress


From a post by John Greally Âûhn Greally Au John Greally ÂûAspergers Syndrome New Zealand 15 hrs · . Question: How do you all feel about the school of thought out there that Aspergers may be changed to a personality disorder and removed from the Autism spectrum umbrella? Callam Daniel : I would be very concerned if any more isolation, reclassification and separation of autistic people was to occur. What we have there is divide and conquer tactics - now that might sound war-like but it is the US policy that sends this message about the war on autism. The kids dont need to be made enemies of, neither does their neurobiology. Lots of people have very different experiences of autism but everything they used to treat it with was wrong and unethical, some of the things they do treat it with now are unethical... autism does not need nor can be cured. Everything you know now about your autistic children has come from the minds of autistic people. NTs never learned anything about autism without our help. Hans Asperger was an Aspie - lets have it right. The best advocates are autistic and the best consultants are autistic. We are human beings stop trying to cure us. Autism and aspergers is our identity - stop trying to take that individual freedom away from us. NT lack-of-acceptance is what is the real problem for most autistics and all the discrimination and prejudice that goes with it.
Posted on: Fri, 15 Aug 2014 22:00:17 +0000

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