From a source that usually favours Ford. “And what could - TopicsExpress


From a source that usually favours Ford. “And what could possibly be going through the head of a man who has endured months of scrutiny over allegations that he smoked crack cocaine — allegations that stem from an alleged recording of the incident — who thinks it’s a good idea to pound a few beers and then go ambling down a busy street posing with anyone who asks, looking smashed? Whether he was legally over the limit is immaterial. It’s his judgment that is brought into question, and his apparent disregard for the ongoing damage he does to the image of the city. “For better or worse, the mayor represents the city in the public eye. When Torontonians are asked about their city and its mayor these days, it’s generally accompanied by a guffaw. “How’s that mayor of yours doing? The crack video turn up yet?” That sort of thing. “Doug Ford may feel defensive about his brother’s image, and for good reason, but he’s not helping by shrugging off the mayor’s display of bad judgment and poor behaviour “Mayor Ford’s brother, Doug, defends him on the basis that he’s a “regular guy.” He likes to have a drink now and again. Great. But most “regular guys” — with wives and kids and neighbours who know them — would be embarrassed if they were recorded stumbling along a public street, slurring their words and looking for a party. Doug Ford may feel defensive about his brother’s image, and for good reason, but he’s not helping by shrugging off the mayor’s display of bad judgment and poor behaviour as if it’s typical of any ordinary family man. “It’s not. It’s embarrassing and unbecoming, and Toronto deserves better than that. It’s not the first time it has happened. Mr. Ford seems unwilling, or incapable, of learning. He’s lost the job he treasured as a football coach, he’s alienated one-time allies and friends on city council, he’s allowed a decent political record to be obscured by his personal antics. And largely through his own actions. A “regular guy” who did that much damage to his own interests with his behaviour would be in need of an intervention, if not professional help. Those are warning signs. They need to be answered, not shrugged off.” National Post, 13Aug13 fullcomment.nationalpost/2013/08/13/kelly-mcparland-rob-ford-gives-a-bad-name-to-regular-guys/
Posted on: Fri, 16 Aug 2013 14:55:17 +0000

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