From a tear drop of Avalokitesvara You came to us - Beautiful, - TopicsExpress


From a tear drop of Avalokitesvara You came to us - Beautiful, tranquil, loving and kind, Oh Tara, In you I seek refuge. We hide behind our masks Of indifference or toughness, We try hard to do the things That gives us comfort; We try to numb the pain And to delay the time of death, And yet some of us indulge To hasten our own deaths. We pretend that we can cope When we are falling apart; We avoid eye contact with each other In fear of revealing our hearts. Oh Tara, In you I seek refuge. We hide behind a façade of busyness; Artists filling their canvases with paint, Indignant activists fighting for change, Designers showing off their latest creations For those who live for trends, Humanitarians desperately helping the desperate, Not wasting a moment in just staying still; Cruel dictators ordering soldiers to kill Anyone that they regard as enemies; Politicians prioritising popularity Above their true conscience; Confused and lost, Some of us wander around Hearing voices in our heads, Some of us seek safety in our Little worlds of self indulgence; Collecting friends, admirers Or inanimate objects. Oh Tara, In you I seek refuge. How long do we have be like this? How many lifetimes do we have to live Before we find solace from this ocean of suffering? Oh Tara, In your loving smile I seek refuge
Posted on: Wed, 24 Jul 2013 19:11:31 +0000

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