From an Israeli on a comment thread: Hamas is putting us in a - TopicsExpress


From an Israeli on a comment thread: Hamas is putting us in a very problematic situation. We are targeting our airstrikes only on terror zones, where we know for a fact, using our best intelligence military services, they hide missiles, weapon, and any other devices they use in order to harm us. Unfortunately they are hiding within hospitals, kindergartens, schools and civilians houses- and even when we alert the civilians before any airstrike, making phone calls, sending letters and notes, and basically making 200% effort to avoid unnecessary death (not to mention, in these very actual moments, providing them electricity, water, healthcare, food and humanitarian aid, which are probably being used against us- how ironic is that?) people still will not evacuate - either from their own will, or some of them are being forced by Hamas to stay. Unfortunately, with a coward behavior like that, innocent peoples death is inevitable. We are fighting against a terror organization, not a country or an army - and this is the worst thing that can happen to a state. As the only democracy in the Middle East, surrounded by fanatic Muslims, anti-Semitic, and basically anti any western and civilized culture, we are doing the black job of the whole western world, and behaving as any other country would have. Being more humanitarian than any one has been through the entire history, and being careful and thoughtful towards our own enemy. I dont know any other country who wouldnt wipe them all off within one minute instead of us (and we are more than capable of doing so). Trust me, bloodbath is the last resort I or my country choose. But in situation like this when our hands are tied - im sorry, whenever it gets to my life, against theirs - I choose me. wouldnt you?
Posted on: Sun, 13 Jul 2014 19:12:49 +0000

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