From an ex-employee, or coworker if you like: Dear Martin Welcome - TopicsExpress


From an ex-employee, or coworker if you like: Dear Martin Welcome to the June edition of Denison Matters, my monthly email newsletter to help keep you abreast of federal politics and what I’ve been up to. This was probably the last sitting week of the 43rd Parliament and perhaps the most dramatic. Early in the week the mood of the place pointed to a Labor leadership challenge, and sure enough it came to a head on Wednesday with Kevin Rudd defeating Julia Gillard by 57-45. It’s not my business to take sides in the Labor Party leadership. But Labor did change leaders and I felt it was in the public interest that there be a smooth transition to the new Prime Minister. To this end, I wrote to Kevin Rudd after the leadership ballot to advise him, in effect, that I would not support an Opposition no-confidence motion on account of the leadership change. Any other course of action may have resulted in protracted constitutional uncertainty or a turbulent snap election. On the occasion of the final sitting week of the Parliament a few reflections are in order. I was elected in 2010 with absolutely no idea what to expect. After three years I can surely say it has been by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done, but also the most rewarding. I’m proud to be a part of some major reforms that will genuinely make Australia a better place to live, including putting a price on carbon, DisabilityCare (the National Disability Insurance Scheme) and Gonski school funding reforms to name a few. I’ve also been proud to reverse the decades of Federal Government funding neglect affecting Denison including $665m funding for health and $50m to revamp the Macquarie Point rail yards. Of course there have been disappointments. Poker machine reform is something I care about very deeply and I was bitterly disappointed when the former Prime Minister reneged on her deal with me to introduce meaningful poker machine reform. But I am heartened that some reform was achieved and, while it isn’t a patch on what’s needed, it is a step in the right direction. The precedent of federal intervention in poker machine regulation has been established, machines are required to be made mandatory pre-commitment capable and the need for reform has been put firmly on the national agenda. More broadly I’ve been disappointed by the quality of political behaviour in Canberra. When I was elected I expected to find some of the biggest leaders, best thinkers and most astute political operatives in the national parliament. But I was disappointed, not least because of the toxic atmosphere heavy with conflict and smear. No wonder politicians are regarded so poorly in Australia right now as reflected in the seemingly countless opinion polls. Regrettably things won’t improve much unless and until the political parties select better candidates for election. And even then those that succeed at the ballot box will struggle to represent their constituents unless and until the parties allow them to vote freely on everything other than supply and confidence. Time and time again I’ve seen Members of the House of Representatives vote with their party even though that has put them at odds with their conscience and the wishes of their electorate. And I reckon that’s wrong. The Quiz Night On Thursday 13 June I held my first fundraising event, a quiz night at the Republic Hotel in North Hobart. The event went really well with over 70 people coming along. A big thank you to all those who attended, as well as my wonderful staff who made it happen. Fundraising Electioneering is expensive and my fundraising events are really important. On Saturday 20 July I’ll be holding my major fundraising event, a Greek Night with Senator Nick Xenophon as the guest speaker. There’ll be a Greek feast, Greek wine and beer and a Greek band. Details are as follows: · Venue: Hellenic Club, 67 Federal Street North Hobart · Time: 7:00pm for 7:30pm · Cost: $150 per person or $1400 for a table of ten · RSVP essential: (03) 6234 5255 or [email protected] Best wishes, Andrew Wilkie
Posted on: Thu, 27 Jun 2013 07:34:52 +0000

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