From another thread - be aware people that I am changing and will - TopicsExpress


From another thread - be aware people that I am changing and will no longer allow certain behaviors in others to be overlooked. I will no longer take responsibility for the difficulty of another person to communicate objective opinions on a subject. Im tired of people projecting on me and trying to silence me. Ive dealt with it my entire life. Youre all warned, I will no longer put up with it. I will confront you as I expect you to confront me if Im doing the same. I then expect you to review your behavior as I will review mine to see if there was any wrongdoing on my part. If I annoy you, well shit, you dont have to be my friend or listen to me. Thats your choice. I officially eschew any responsibility to please others that compromises my own self-esteem or my own integrity. I no longer give anyone the right to be dismissive of me or to put me down and still allow themselves to call me friend. We all make mistakes and will occasionally do this. Hell, I do! But, as my friends can attest, I will apologize when Im in the wrong. I will apologize when Im a dismissive jerk. Sorry my facebook page is not a democracy. Being dismissive of my comments without actually talking about the same thing is unacceptable. Assuming anything about my state of mind or accusing me of being emotional because I dont agree with you is also unacceptable. Dismiss me and I dismiss you. I will mirror your actions. If you dont get that you are being offending by a mirroring of your own behavior, thats not my problem. Anyone who has an issue with me, my attitude, my stances in life, the way I treat others (which I feel is very fair), call me on it when its actually true or just get lost and have a nice life. I wish you the best. If I become angry at anyone, its usually at people who assume things about me or try to make me out to be emotionally driven when Im stating FACTS. Put words in my mouth and you will see wrath. Accuse me of being something Im not being in that moment, I will become angry. If you make a factual conversation personal or believe I am talking about you when I am so obviously not, youre the one being emotional, not me. If you cannot discuss a world subject OBJECTIVELY and separate from your own personal views, then you are the one being emotional, not me. Feel free to disagree with me but please have some basis for that disagreement. Have a point or a fact or something to back up your stance, not just accusations about my intent, my emotional state, or my character. I am content with my set of ethics and the character of my person. Being kind is not the same as being a speed bump. Nowhere in my set of ethics does it state that I have to put up with, allow, or endorse others accusing me of irrational behavior just to make them feel ok. I dont have to be put down so that another can feel lifted up. Im done with that in my life. I will no longer deal with or put up with being waved aside or dismissed by others. That is what triggers me, not whatever subject is being discussed. This is my world just as much as it is anyone elses and I have just as much right to speak up for myself as anyone else does. If you trigger my past, you probably did or said something wrong because, believe it or not, there are people out there who have NEVER triggered bad or unwanted emotions in me. I am officially done being the nice guy. Unless someone treats me with the respect and compassion I deserve, they cannot expect it in return any longer. That energy is better spent on people who actually deserve my time and emotion. Long story short - Im done with people who are negative influences in my life or who put me down or who dismiss me. I am done. I have nothing left to give to energy thieves. /rant
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 18:46:44 +0000

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