From being JUST FRIENDS to getting MARRIED E and I (Hes a guy, - TopicsExpress


From being JUST FRIENDS to getting MARRIED E and I (Hes a guy, Im a girl) met in a course during our army service (were Israelis). We were 18, both in relationships, and we became good friends. Being friends in an army course is intense, as we only got to leave our base on Fridays and we came back first thing on Sunday. After about 2 months of friendship, during a class, E told me I confused him and hes not so sure about his girlfriend anymore. I was very much into my then boyfriend so I told E I dont feel the same. A couple of weeks after that, in the middle of another class, he licked my cheek (thus winning a bet he made with a friend. The friend cleaned their room for a week in return) - I kicked him and acted annoyed, but I was kinda happy. Years went by, we remained friends. When I was 24, my boyfriend of about 7 years broke up with me. I was completely devastated, as I was certain we would end up together. E was there for me, and we became closer than ever. Not long after that, he also broke up with his girlfriend. He asked me if were gonna give us a shot and I immediatley said no. He wasnt too surprised. We talked every day, told each other in detail about people we dated and spent a lot of time together - we called this period our renaissance. After about 7 months of renaissance, I was walking with E towards his bike and he suddenly turned to me and said well, my balls are shaking but I have to say this: I want us to try to be together. I know we have a lot to lose but if this works - itll be unbelievable. I was kind of shocked and confused and we had a really long talk discussing the pluses and minuses of us. I think E saw I was kind of leaning towards yes, when he said Oh, come on! and just kissed me. It all just connected. It was wonderful. That short kiss suddenly gave me a glimpse of how E would be as a boyfriend - gentle, soft, sensitive (he was shaking a little!) but also decisive. I remember thinking this should feel weird, and realizing it felt natural and warm. Weve been together since (we got married 4 months ago), and it has been one hell of a ride. Sometimes the person you think you will never end up with is the one person you need the most. He is without a doubt the person I was always meant to be with - so my advice is never say never. via quora/Dating-and-Relationships-1/What-is-it-like-to-kiss-someone-who-has-been-just-a-friend-for-a-long-period-of-time
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 06:19:19 +0000

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