From book 3 Spiritual Answers for Working as a Healing Channel - TopicsExpress


From book 3 Spiritual Answers for Working as a Healing Channel page 69 ...always something to learn! I found this section very interesting as a healer. Love, Wendy x Minor chakras Each major chakra has two companion chakras to help support it. They are like the backup system for the main one, and these smaller chakras keep the left and right of the body aligned. When necessary the smaller chakras supply and help to balance the major chakras. They store excess energy to be used in times of depletion and release energy when needed. Physical, emotional, mental and spiritual issues affect these chakras. They might be smaller, but they remain significant energy sources. The minor base chakras feed the left and right leg, while the minor sacral chakras serve the ovaries/testes and hip areas. The naval chakras assist the left and right side of the bowel. The solar plexus chakra has different organs operating on each side with the smaller right chakra serving the liver and gallbladder, while the minor left chakra feeds the stomach and spleen. The minor heart chakras serve the heart and each respective lung, right and left. The throat supports the left and right side of the thyroid and parathyroid glands. Both eyes and ears are helped by the third-eye minor chakras, and they also assist with the brain. And last, but not least, the crown chakras support the left and right sides of the brain. Like the main chakras, these smaller chakras can be damaged and spin incorrectly and so any dysfunction will affect the major chakra. Any healing work done on the major chakras will flow into the little ones. Sometimes, I have done healings where the focus was on fixing these minor chakras. When I work, I never focus only on the main chakras, but let the healing be guided to these chakras when necessary. When I was recovering from my illness, I went to a healer for energy work. She talked about the fact that my seven minor heart chakras were in need of some help. These seven little chakras run up from the bottom of our breastbone to the top. In my understanding, they serve to support the heart chakra and spiritually enable us to open up more to Spirit. You may find it an interesting meditation to ask that your own small heart chakras be healed and opened. In addition, you could work on them with a pendulum or massage these points. I feel that once we know about certain new centers around the body that we can easily include them in our healing sessions. It is said that knowledge is power. In my experience, there are minor chakras on the ears, eyes, cheek sinus areas, the liver, the stomach, ovaries, elbows, middle of the back of calves, the ankles, middle of each buttock, kidneys, the thymus, temples, the breasts, etc. If you use a pendulum you can locate and work on these places. The body is covered with numerous chakras, similar to the countless acupuncture points. When you work, be open to exploring all the different chakras and don’t be held by rigid ideas of where they are. Each person is energetically unique with their own individual pattern. Therefore, be willing to work all over the body using your own intuition. As we progress, I believe more and more chakras will emerge as part of our knowledge base. The world is opening up on so many levels, just like our auras.
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 01:12:20 +0000

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