From brother Mark Deduke Mark Deduke 1 PETER 3:1-6 Wives, in the - TopicsExpress


From brother Mark Deduke Mark Deduke 1 PETER 3:1-6 Wives, in the same way be submissive to your husbands, so that if any of them do not belive the word, they may be won over with out words by the behaviour of their wives , when they see the purity and reverence of your lives. Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and wearing of gold jewerly and fine clothes. Instead it should be part of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit which is of great worth in Gods sight. For this is the way holy women of the past put their hope in God, used to make themselves beautiful. They were submissive to their husbands, like Sarah, who obeyed Abraham and called him her master. You are her daughters if you do what is right and do not give away to fear. Through many years and decades and down through time, this pasage as well as Ephesians5:22-33, have been distorted, twsited , misunderstood and entirely misrepersented , even from the pulpit , never mind the congrgation. There are several reaons why there is so much contraversecy when reading and understanding these very simple passages, because Gods word is read and understood and filtered through 1) a personal sence of self pride and self understanding 2) a sence of political correctness even in the body of Christ 3) and also a sence or a thought called a christian world view, which is nothing other than a twisted lie from our enemy. Once we choose Christ, we are a new creation and are no longer of this world , so our view and thinking is not a combination of this world and Gods word. It is either viewed from Gods point of view or the worlds, not both. Lets just lay a quick foundation here; 1) every single word of God is true... 2Timothy 3:16-17 2) not one word in the bible was written by mans own thought... 2Peter 1:20-21 3) God nor His Word is of confusion: 1 Corinthians 14:33 4)God is the same yesterday ...... Hebrews 13:8 So holding to these pasages of Gods word , we can only look and filter and understand His word by, and through what the Holy Spirit is showing us in the bible . In these first two verses , God is telling (not suggesting, or impling), that wives be submissive to their husbands AS CHRIST WAS TO THE CROSS. Being submissive here in no way makes your husband the boss or director of every thought and process in this mariage relationship, that spells dictator, and God did not give the husband the task of head of the family to be a dictator. And wives being submissive does this in no way put you below or behind your husband , it does put you right where God desires you to be; at your husbands side , arm in arm , hand in hand. And God is asking you to trust Him in doing this, not so that you will win him(husband) over,(God is talking about husbands that may not be christians), but so that through your personal relationship with Christ you husband will see Christ through your behavior towards God. * Let me make a quick note here, no where is God telling , suggesting , or impling that christain women marry non chriatian men , that thought goes against Gods word.* Nor does God imply that you are resonsible for saving your husband (if he is not yet saved ), that is Gods job. The next two verses here are very crital, they have been taught and misunderstood wrongly on so many levels. God has made women beautiful outwardly and inwardly. Many women through out time have asked them selves and have asked their husbands this question, is it wrong of me to want to look pretty, and dress nice and like fine things. the answer to that, quite simply is an infatic NO! And Gods word clarifies that very clearly. God said your beauty and listen to this very close should not come from out ward adorment . God does not say it is wrong to look or want to look pretty for your husband on the outside. God does say that your beauty should come from your inside, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit And this comes, not from you gaining anything from your husband,etc but from your personal daily realtionship with your Heavanly Father, in pray and in the reading of Gods word and the application in YOUR OWN LIFE. When I look at my bride to be and she is a very beautiful women on the outside, when I look at her and see her grow in her daily life and her reaction with our Lord and Saviour , and see her submit to God daily , hourly, that beauty that is inside her grows and does not trancend the outside, but combines and makes her outside more and more beautiful evey hour of every day. Does she like to ware make up and pretty clothes yes , do I like that as well yes, and truth be know I dont really care what someones personal opion is. Her beauty on the ouside comes from her beauty on her inside, and that beauty that comes from the inside is the light of Christ , that does add beauty to her outside. That beauty will stay with her for the rest of her life in this world and will be with her in the next , when our Lord comes for His church and will also be with her for all etrnity. This beauty she (the wife) not only gets from Christ but also because she knows and feels that she is loved (as Christ loves the church) and protected and cherished by her husband. She also knows her place in the marriage is loved and supported by her husband and she is needed also as a partner, as a friend , as sister in Christ and as a wife. This beauty also comes because she is willing to and desires to submit her self to her huband , not from a worldly or christian world view , but from the godly desire and view with in her that she has let God build and design in her. This is the Proverbs 31 women, and any women can have this because it is not based on material or worldy desires. Dont get me wrong here , there is nothing wrong with material stock, as long as that is not where you will take your beauty from. If our Lord tarries and allows my wife (soon to be , our Lord willing) and I life into our golden years, greying years, lol , she will look as beautiful on the outside and the inside as the day I met her, and she will be that beautiful and more for all eternity , because of her realtonship with Christ. Any womens beauty will also stay for eternity not because she attends just her out side beauty, but because firstly she attends her personal realtionship with our Lord Jesus Christ. Gods word promises you ladies that if your like Sarah was to Abraham , you are called her daughters if you do what is right and DO NOT GIVE WAY TO FEAR. 1 Peter 3:7 --And husbands , in the same way be considerate as you live with your wives and treat them with respect as the weaker partner (now I feel the looks here, Peter speaks in a physical sence) and heirs WITH YOU OF THE GRACIOUS GIFT OF LIFE, so that nothing will hinder your prays. MARANTHA MY FRIENDS , MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IN CHRIST JESUS.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 04:20:22 +0000

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