From doing item 1. in Natalia Taylor Bowdoins 18 hour old post, - TopicsExpress


From doing item 1. in Natalia Taylor Bowdoins 18 hour old post, got the following email from Senator Richard Blumenthal from my state of Connecticut. Dear Mr. Murphy, Thank you for your message regarding the United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Central African Republic. I appreciate hearing from you. Violence in the Central African Republic escalated in March 2013 when a rebel group seized government control, exacerbating existing ethno-religious tensions and political corruption. The conflict threatens to destabilize central Africa and constitutes a political, security and humanitarian crisis. The Obama Administration allocated a total of $69 million in humanitarian assistance in Fiscal Years 2013 and 2014 as well as an additional $6 million dedicated specifically to refugee aid. In April 2014, the United Nations Security Council authorized a United Nations peacekeeping operation in order to protect civilians, facilitate a peaceful political transition and monitor human rights violations. Although the United States has not yet authorized funding for the United Nations peacekeeping mission, the president’s budget proposal for Fiscal Year 2015 introduces a Peacekeeping Response Mechanism within the Overseas Contingency Operations funding to enable the United States to respond to unanticipated peacekeeping needs, such as the crisis in the Central African Republic. Given the situation in the Central African Republic and other missions that may emerge in Fiscal Year 2015, the Peacekeeping Response Mechanism is a prudent provision for Congress to support. Rest assured I will keep your thoughts in mind in supporting these activities when I have the opportunity to assess the Fiscal Year 2015 Foreign Operations Appropriations bill. Thank you again for your message. Please feel free to contact me with additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, Richard Blumenthal United States Senate If you would like to contact me again on this issue or another issue, please do not respond to this email address. Please, instead, use the contact form on my website: I look forward to hearing from you.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Jun 2014 20:49:05 +0000

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