From every perspective, corruption or corrupt practices has to do - TopicsExpress


From every perspective, corruption or corrupt practices has to do with fraudulent activity especially syphon funds that are meant for the general populace for one’s aggrandisement only. Right from the beginning, corruption has been a vermin that has been killing and discouraging Nigeria from moving up or welcoming new innovations. From historical point of view, Nigeria governments had in the hands of those who only care for themselves, putting aside the yearnings of the entire populace. Gone are the days when merit, ability, honesty and transparency, as I understand, has meaning in Nigeria government, and this was then actually helping the country to move up. The likes of Pa Awolowo, Dr. Azikwe, General Murtala Muhammed, Tunde Idiagbon (all of blessed memory) would never be forgotten in the history of Nigeria for being leaders with proven records of achievement.After these great people, what we have are the hungry politicians, I-care-for-myself leaders, who are actually opportune to beat the helms of affairs. The type of politicians in Nigeria political arena are bounce of criminals, crooks who have in one way or the others, indulged in mischievous activities. There is no wonder, therefore, why crime, corruption, poverty, crime and religion violence have become the fastest growing industries in Nigeria—and this has made our hard earned democratic government worthless.To the best of my little knowledge, the primary concern of reasonable, caring and competent leader should be the welfare of his followers. But in Nigeria, the case is different and so far while our leaders pay lip service to fight against corruption and poverty reduction, they wallow in self-adulation and sycophancy, and never seem to be tired of asking for more benefits for themselves. It is no wonder then that Nigerians feel no sense of patriotism, as our leaders appear insensitive to the plight of the masses. Imagine, corruption is now a serious Nigeria phenomenon and it has critically hobbled and skewed Nigeria development. Where does this come from? Don’t bother your mind, the whole sorry development emanates all the way from Aso-Rock—the seat of power. Government at the central level is the vessel that is leaking from the top and Aso-Rock and other government parastatals and departments are the main fountain where corruption takes its source. This is the reason why I continue wondering why Obasanjo should be deceiving the whole world by claiming that he is going to put an end to corrupt practices. This is really a mega-lie, a dream which possibility of realisation is very slim. Or else, how can we believe him when almost 95% of his henchmen are criminal, 419 etc? Can you believe that just of recent, one of the newly elected law-makers was allegedly accused of being involved in a 419 scam amounted to $350000?Obasanjo commissioned a corruption panel and believe me, non of the senior officers or bigwigs in government offices has been taken to court by the panel in a country as corrupt as Nigeria. For many weeks, people like Okadigbo, Enwerem etc were in the headlines (fore-front) in the looters’ list claiming he has perpetrated a lot of atrocities and many fraudulent practices. But where are these people now? Most annoyingly, Okadigbo was seen campaigning to be vice president in the last election, instead of being in court or on his way to jail.To me, Obasanjo is slowly reinforcing the ideology that Nigeria is a place where you can pilfer and be assured that if the worst comes, you will only lose your job. You need not to return the money or worry about being brought to book. In fact, it is terrible, awful and even outrageous as much damage had been done to the good name of the country and the whole sorry story takes its source from Aso Rock, which has become centre of corruption in the whole nation. It is crude and barbaric, Nigeria is fast losing its credibility, friends and opportunities while crisis management takes better part of our government preoccupation. How can we expect foreigners from developed countries to come and invest in the country and help us sustain an industrial promotion when reports on rate at which corruption and mismanagement had eaten to the root of Nigeria economy is available for the to read? Woe betides all those who perpetrate those sinister, fraudulent activities that dragged us to mess and brought us the kind of problems we are confronting today. You shall dearly pay for it and you will forever remain unsettled, unrest as long as you are using public funds to accumulate wealth. So shall it be, amen.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Aug 2013 03:48:31 +0000

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