From hearing some audiobooks of HP Lovecraft, I have concluded - TopicsExpress


From hearing some audiobooks of HP Lovecraft, I have concluded that he was a thesaurus junky. One using more contemporary (or script translating) something that takes nearly two hours to read in its original format could summarize it to almost two or three pages of direct action and be lucky if the two hour read could make it into a twenty minute show, Color out of Space would need a ton of padding *for character development* as colorful as his stuff is to describe I didnt give two rat turds about the people in the story (which was probably his intention given his view of society) but it could be made into a descent sci-fi thriller special (his main monster however to depict on screen would be a chance for some weird camera tricks using layered special effects and multi-spectrum lenses where the viewer gets a personal experience with special glassese)...the budget on doing that would be interesting to see.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 19:24:19 +0000

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