From here on out, everyone that uses this bathroom needs to clean - TopicsExpress


From here on out, everyone that uses this bathroom needs to clean up after herself! Betsy yelled out as she picked up wet towels from the floor. I mean, really! Who just drops their towels on the floor and leaves them there? They wont dry and then theyll smell all musty and the whole place gets stinky! I cant believe it, Crystal! How many towels did you use? I JUST woke up. What are you yapping about? It must be mom, then! Someone just left four wet towels on the floor in the bathroom. The whole place is one big puddle. I dont understand! Its too early to be this worked up. Did you overdose on caffeine? No, I cant stand trying to use the bathroom and it looks like a sauna in there! Tell mom, then. She must have had a hot flash or something and needed a cold shower. Im gonna give her a piece of my mind. Betsy marched over to Doreens door and put her ear to the door as she always did. She didnt want to burst in if mom had company. Upon hearing only silence, she opened the door. Mom? The room was empty. Shes not here! Maybe she went on an errand? At six in the morning? More like a booty call. Well, she must have cleaned that booty really well because there are FOUR wet towels in our bathroom! You can ask her when she comes back. I dont want to know. Trust me. Im better not knowing.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 10:00:00 +0000

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