From member : Councillor Mohammed Bashir at the 2012 elections - TopicsExpress


From member : Councillor Mohammed Bashir at the 2012 elections Councillor Mohammed Bashir at the 2012 elections ‘Ghost voters’ were registered by the winning candidate in the 2012 election in Maybury and Sheerwater, a court was told this week. Liberal Democrat Mohammed Bashir defeated his Labour opponent Mohammad Ali by 16 votes in the borough elections of May 2012. But defeated Mr Ali then launched an election petition alleging corrupt and illegal practices by Cllr Bashir’s election campaign team. The trial is listed between Mr Ali, Cllr Bashir and Woking Borough Council chief executive Ray Morgan, as the returning officer for the election. There are no criminal charges but an outcome that accepts corrupt practices could lead to a re-election. The High Court, sitting at Woking Borough Council’s civic offices, was told on Monday that there was ‘compelling’ evidence and statistics to show electoral fraud. Alex Potts, on behalf of Mr Ali, said: “Mr Ali alleges that the result of the election was a product of fraud, particularly postal voting fraud. “Despite the difficulties presented, the petitioner and his supporters have been able to uncover compelling evidence that Cllr Bashir’s election in 2012 was won by fraud. This evidence indicates a systematic campaign of electoral fraud with the intention of procuring Cllr Bashir’s election.” Mr Potts said the petition was borne out of ‘considerable frustration’ by members of the local Labour Party, who believe electoral fraud has been prevalent in Woking for years. Evidence presented to electoral commissioner Richard Mawrey QC showed large numbers of non-residents’ names were added to the electoral register in the run-up to the election – producing what is known as ‘ghost voters’. The court was told that votes were ‘harvested’– people were signed up to vote and then had their votes intercepted and used without their consent. The turnout for Maybury and Sheerwater was ‘dramatically higher’ than other wards with a rate of 46.4% compared to a borough average of 35.8%. From January to April in the lead-up to the election there were 503 voters added to the register, representing a 7.3% increase in the ward compared to an average 1.4% rise across the rest of Woking. Similar periods in the run-up to 2011 and 2013 elections showed 127 and 89 additions – in line with the borough average. Research compiled by Mr Ali and presented to the court alleged that new voters had moved in and occupants of small properties had increased, including the flat above Cllr Bashir’s campaign head-quarters. A large number of proxy votes had been cast for people not living in the ward, those away on holiday or some who had since been deported. There appeared to be the same handwriting on several documents, the hearing was told. Giving evidence on Wednesday, Cllr Bashir said family members had helped his campaign by knocking on doors and delivering literature, but he denied any corruption. As an explanation for the above average rise in registrations he said all candidates had been encouraging people to sign up to vote. “There is nothing wrong to ask people to register to give their view. It is helping democracy,” he said. “I did not register ghost voters. If I registered any, show me the evidence.” Alex Stein, defending, added: “Mr Bashir doesn’t accept there have been illegalities or corrupt practices. Cllr Bashir condemns and does not support the use of illegal or corrupt practice and made that clear to staff throughout the election.” The trial is due to be completed this week with Judge Mawrey QC expected to hand down a written judgement in the coming weeks.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 20:03:22 +0000

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