From my earlier post......: Conversation started today Leigh - TopicsExpress


From my earlier post......: Conversation started today Leigh MeAlone 23:50 Leigh MeAlone Can I please ask a question. I would just like to know if this is a normal person that is now running this page. I have just noticed that recently i see my own shares being shared after the event and I thought you guys were meant to be at the top notch of it all? I am just wondering, I have no offence to anyone or anything just interested and if you respond n a mannerful way then the info wont go any further xx Namaste The Peoples Voice 00:01 The Peoples Voice Hello Leigh, I apologize but I am not sure what you mean by the sentence I have just noticed that recently i see my own shares being shared after the event and I thought you guys were meant to be at the top notch of it all? - are you asking if you are sharing an article or photo we post, why are others posting it or are you saying that you are sharing something on the TPV wall and then TPV is posting it? No offense taken or meant, as we have a few staff who run this page - I just need clarification on what you are asking so that I can properly assist you in answering your question. Thanks, Matt Leigh MeAlone 00:03 Leigh MeAlone No not at all as I do not make shares on the page. I was just wondering whom the people are behind it as we all as human beings and me personally are not being paid for doing what i do. The Peoples voice was a corporation so i was just wondering if you are now doing it between yourselves for free or you are being funded for your shares?? x The Peoples Voice 00:07 The Peoples Voice The Peoples Voice 00:07 The Peoples Voice Ok I will attempt to answer all of your questions in order - so, piecing this all together - based on this comment thread, which I found on your FB page - we are not government shills, I can promise you that Leigh MeAlone 00:07 Leigh MeAlone and that is why i did not comment and give you the respect of the people The Peoples Voice 00:08 The Peoples Voice The article you shared was found by another editor at an affiliate news site - I believe this is the article YOU shared on your wall: The Peoples Voice 00:08 The Peoples Voice The Peoples Voice 00:08 The Peoples Voice And if you actually click the link posted to the TPV FB - you will see that it links to this article: yournewswire/big-win-monsanto-reports-156-million-loss-in-q4-as-farmers-abandon-gm-crops/ and NOT from your page. Big Win! Monsanto Reports $156 Million Loss in Q4 as Farmers Abandon GM Crops yournewswire Are you invested in Monsanto stock like Bill Gates, who owns hundreds of thousand of Monsanto shares worth about $23 million? It might be time to pull out since the Leigh MeAlone 00:09 Leigh MeAlone yes i did say that earlier yes and i am not denying thse facts as i said above - i had heard that another person had asked the same question and they were removed for your page that is all, and this is why i am sowing respect to find an answer The Peoples Voice 00:09 The Peoples Voice Now, if you scroll to the bottom of the article from the link shared on TPV, you will see that a source is listed: Article By by Christina Sarich/Natural Society with a link back Leigh MeAlone 00:10 Leigh MeAlone its very easy to see a link and click on it and find another share elsewhere lol sorry not being negative just honest.. The Peoples Voice 00:10 The Peoples Voice One of our news editors found the same link you did from THIS link: naturalsociety/big-win-monsanto-reports-156-million-loss-q4/ - the ORIGINAL on natural society Big Win! Monsanto Reports $156 Million Loss in Q4 as Farmers Abandon GM Crops naturalsociety This year, Monsanto reported a loss of $156 million, compared with a loss of $249 million in the same period last year. We must be doing something right. The Peoples Voice 00:10 The Peoples Voice SO, in a nutshell, we would have had no way whatsoever of knowing you posted the same article unless you had posted it to our wall (which you did not, as you said). Leigh MeAlone 00:11 Leigh MeAlone as said your people could be picking stuff up from others and googling for other sources . So are you funded for what you do then? x Or are the admin team doing all your work for free? Leigh MeAlone 00:17 Leigh MeAlone ?? Nothing to say i mean i am just asking but now it does look suspicious dont yuu agree, the screen is obviously still open as it has said that you have seen this from 00.14 onwards fro my side 00.17 now here or are you asking others what you should type?? Seen 00:21 Choose a sticker or emoticon
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 23:24:59 +0000

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