From my email. ------------------- March 20, 2014 A Public - TopicsExpress


From my email. ------------------- March 20, 2014 A Public Statement in Support of Students Arising from the Taiwan-China Trade Pact The North-American Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA) represents professors and professionals of Taiwanese origin who are residing in North America. As an overseas Taiwanese organization, we fully support the courageous action of Taiwanese students in protesting against the signing of the Taiwan-China Trade Pact. The pact has not been publically debated nor approved in Taiwan. The process leading to the pact is thus secretive which is against the democratic principles which Taiwan, as a democratic state, should adhere to. At the same time, the trade will have serious permanent consequences for Taiwan’s economic and personal well-being. It is selling off Taiwan and is accelerating the annexation of Taiwan to China. It also threatens the economic prosperity of Taiwanese people in general and the future well-being of young Taiwanese in particular. Therefore, as overseas Taiwanese who are devoted to the well-being, democracy, and self-determination of our fellow Taiwanese people in Taiwan which is our homeland, we vehemently and strongly oppose the signing of the trade agreement with China. We fully and totally support the bravery of our Taiwanese students and young people in their attempt to reverse the trade pact which could seriously harm their future economic freedom and personal well-being. We specifically demand that the signing of the trade agreement be withdrawn immediately. Other future agreements with China should be the result of open debate and dialogue and represent the will of the Taiwanese electorate. We have viewed videos of the throng of armed police forces surrounding the courageous students who are speaking up for Taiwan’s economic sovereignty and for their own future. We are deeply concerned about their safety and security. We therefore wish to remind the Taiwan government to ensure no harm is inflicted on these young people. As an elected government, it is the duty of the Taiwan government to protect its people and its young students from harm. Should harm be imposed on these brave students, the world will see who the present government really represents. Sincerely yours, North-American Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA) ------------------------------------------------------- 北美洲台灣人教授協會 對於「反服貿協定」公開聲明與呼籲 North-American Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA) 1. 馬英九從六年前的高民調,滑落到目前的9%. 根本原因是他心中只有中國,沒有台灣,從國防外交政治經濟文化教育,全面將台灣推進被中國併呑的險境。馬英九的獨裁作風,反民意反民主,不顧台灣人的生存與死活,藐視幾年來的抗爭訴求,民怨疊積已深,怒火貯蓄爆發,青年學生勇敢佔據立法院,試圖挽救台灣的民主政治,我們大力支持青年學生的勇氣與決心。 2. 青年學生佔據立法院,發表聲明要求馬英九,退回沒有經過公開民主立法程序的「服貿協定」,否則他們要提高抗爭手段。我們全力支持青年學生守護台灣民主命脈的合理訴求,並且 嚴正要求 馬英九,懸崖勒馬,回頭是岸,否則要承擔抗爭的一切後果。 3. 青年學生苦守在立法院內,大批警察部隊包圍並且試圖強制遣散學生。我們呼籲警察保持理性,更要保護學生,否則抗爭流血衝突,警察要承擔一切後果。 4. 我們也呼籲所有愛䕶台灣民主自由人民,趕緊到立法院外,支援青年學生守護台灣民主的偉大行動。並呼籲已在立法院外面抗議的群眾,大家合力監督警察部隊,只有這樣做,立法院內的學生才能受到保䕶。 5. 我們更呼籲所有的在野黨,各公民團體,各台派社團,儘快成立協調陣缐,發動公開示威遊行。要讓馬英九認識到人民力量,接受青年學生的訴求,必須長期抗爭,永撤退。台灣已被逼到最後的關頭,絕對不能失敗!我們也期待海外同郷同學,挺身而起,做台灣民主的後援隊,儘快把消息傳出來給外國媒體。 聲明: 北美洲台灣人教授協會North-American Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA) 北美洲台灣人教授協會 對於「反對服貿協議」的聲明與呼籲(3) March 24, 2014 馬英九把「協議」當「命令」,要立法院只能替行政部門背書,又於3月22日,台灣學生佔領立法院第5天,召開記者會,悍拒臺灣學生「反對黑廂、退回服貿」的合理訴求,不見安撫,只有語言暴力,火上加油,造成這次學生憤怒佔領行政院。透過各界報導,我們在海外看到大批警察對「手無寸鐵、和平靜坐」的學生,使用國家暴力,眼看那麼多學生被拖走、被棍子打到流血,我們於心不忍,基於知識份子的良心,不得不再次發表聲明與呼籲: 1. 我們要求馬英九必須對這次警察過度使用暴力,造成「和平靜坐」學生流血,公開向學生道歉。 2. 我們鼓勵學生再接再厲,繼續支援佔領立法院,「反對黒廂,退回服貿」的訴求,我們相信公平正義,終究會戰勝獨裁暴力。 3. 我們呼籲更多教授站出來,聯署各大學正在發起的「學生自主罷課」運動,讓更多學生能夠到立法院,繼續支援保護台灣自由民主政治。 4. 我們呼籲台灣人民各團體,為了保衞自由民主的生活方式,站出來響應青年學生的訴求,在全國各地,反對獨裁暴力,退回服貿協議。 5. 我們呼籲海內外台灣人各團體,即刻向馬英九施壓,保證在立法院內外學生的安全,絕對不能再使用國家暴力對付和平靜坐的學生,並且要求馬英九「承認錯誤,退回服貿」,來回應學生的理性訴求,和平解決民主憲政危機。 聲明: 北美洲台灣人教授協會North-American Taiwanese Professors Association (NATPA)
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 00:00:22 +0000

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