From my own experience, the hardest part was to master my old - TopicsExpress


From my own experience, the hardest part was to master my old feelings of fear and associated thoughts which were within my observation constantly. With my constant focused on fear, I created a holding pattern or vibration of fear within my energetic field. This in turn, was acted on by the “Law of Attraction” manifesting that very thing that I feared. What actually happened was, my experiences came out of what my fear was, and bond me to that experience. It was only when I used the power of my imagination to rise above what I was experiencing could I change the reality of my existence. By imagining new feeling and ideas I was able to attract new joy and new creative ideas that would manifest effortlessly. It was only when I placed noble feelings and ideas, did the thoughts that where produced come from my heart, became luminous ideas and were manifest from the depth of my soul. It is within the soul that your will and God’s will become one. The will power within the soul is a gentle non coercive vibration. It gives you total free of will to accept or reject what you accepted as truth. It is non judgmental all loving and ever present. This gentle vibration gathers a momentum when one commences their spiritual journey. The souls knowing of love, wisdom and truth are always unfolding within each individual spiritual journey. With new wisdom and new perception, recognition and a greater awareness of what consciousness is, takes place. Productive will power is the result of focus attention on the spiritual journey. The spiritual journey starts when an individual chooses a new path that is in keeping with the “Divine Law”. Then over time, this will manifest in the three worlds of mental, emotional and physical world. The task of mankind in the coming years is to govern their minds and hearts. This requires self-mastery of self. In general, people are ruled by habit. Remember, bad habit cannot be stopped by merely wanting to eradicate them. From my own personal experience, it is by reconditioning oneself physiologically and psychologically with contravening good habits; this will install the right programming into the accommodating mind. Meditation is a step by step to self-realization (Christ Consciousness) cosmic consciousness and eventually attains God union. This is not possible with our rationalizing mental restlessness which is our constant company (which is programmed of fear basis ideas with associated feelings). Divine Communion or rather deep meditation, dismantles the delusion, and once the sincere devotees of truth have experienced the divine joy and ecstasy of the sanctuary of the soul within the Christ Consciousness, the ego will merge with the Christ Consciousness returning its true home within “ALL That IS”. No substitute of knowledge will be able to dilute the efforts of sincere devotees away from truth, love and wisdom that they experienced. Remember, it is through the perception of the Christ Consciousness within yourself that you will know God contact. You are the consciousness that you have realized within yourself. Therefore, you are a belief expressed about who you think you are. St. Anthony, St. Francis of Assisi, Saint Theresa of Avila to name but a few, taught the true worship of Christ in the church of divine communion. They refer to the “interior castle”. This interior castle is entered by taking the mind and life force within deep meditation to a new realization. So anybody who would attain the Christ consciousness must by meditation rise above the consciousness of his physical self (deny himself) and keep in attention constantly focused in Christ peace even while he is daily crucified by trials and his spiritual aspiration, tormented by restlessness and destructions. The intensified focus, fervent devotion and meditation produce the ecstasy of oneness with cosmic consciousness. Christ consciousness is the perpetual state of unconditional love always choosing love over fear. This is achieved by blending heart and mind in meditation and developing an inner sensitivity to be able to be on vigilant watch to hold fast to the joyous inner communication with infinite consciousness (the only begotten son of the Father Mother of God of All That Is) child of spirit. Over time, this will bring about the ideal of unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion and adherence to the highest divine truths of universal love, where one realizes their oneness with God.
Posted on: Sun, 15 Sep 2013 23:43:23 +0000

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