From now till everlasting, I pray with YOU........ You shall be - TopicsExpress


From now till everlasting, I pray with YOU........ You shall be great. You shall be fruitful. You shall be victorious.. You shall be celebrated.. You shall be successful.. You shall be favored. You shall be blessed in abundance.. You shall be prosperous.. You shall have joy... You shall have peace beyond limits. You shall make it. You shall testify.. You shall be lifted high beyond falling.... You shall excel in all that you do!!!! Someday, we will forget why we cried and the people who caused us pain, we will finally realize that the secret of being free is not revenge but letting things unfold in their own time and way. After all, what matters is not the first, but the last chapter of our lives which shows how well we ran our race. So keep smiling, forgiving and believing; everything will work out great at the end!!!!! What you leave behind is not what is engraved in stone monuments, but what is woven into the lives of others!success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that matters!your past was never a mistake if you learned from it. If u dont, then youll live ur life in nightmares!sometimes you have to stop worrying, wondering, and doubting and just have faith that things will work out.Gods plans for your life exceed the circumstances of your day.EnjoyThe Moment!!! The true child of God is a peacemaker. He not only loves peace, wants peace, promotes peace, works for peace, prays for peace, he also does everything to maintain peace among people; he abhors completely all strives, discords and contentions. He hates war because it engenders killings and if there is anything he can do it is to make peace 2. The scriptures declare that the day of the Lord will be a period of judgment, desolation and darkness. It will be a time when God will arise and punish His enemies decisively 3. The work (of soulwinning) should not be left for pastors and other leaders in the church - everyone must be involved. Training and retraining should be given prominence in order to develop members into effective workers, to turn them from distressed, discontent men into mighty men. 4. True children of God are so different from sinners in heart, in spirit, in life or lifestyle, in character and characteristics as the day is different from the night or as light is different from darkness 5. All the knowledge from all other books is only profitable till death; the knowledge received from the BIBLE is profitable in life, at death, after death, for all eternity. 6. When ministers and members graciously follow Gods revealed will for His family, there will be the realisation of Gods expectation for the Church 7. The blessed truth that gladdens the believers heart is the reassurance that he is saved and delivered from this eternal wrath, punishment, indignation, suffering and torment 8. Believers must desire and pursue holiness of heart and life, yield themselves to God, consecrate and submit to His will in sanctification, pray and believe with the expectancy of faith, then God will sanctify, purify and make them entirely holy 9. Having experienced the grace of God, you have a God-given responsibility to both live a godly lifestyle and preach the gospel to others so they also can be saved. 10. For a fast to be beneficial, it must be done in a spirit of reverence toward God, in which we acknowledge our dependence on God and worship Him as a covenant-keeping Redeemer.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 10:19:13 +0000

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