From one of my clients. For those of you who know I raise gentle, - TopicsExpress


From one of my clients. For those of you who know I raise gentle, loving, laid back German Shepherds. When you need them to protect you, you can count on them. This is an email I received from one of my clients. I asked her if I could share this, and she had no problem with me sharing it. Read on: This is her first dog fight. Hi Becky! I wanted to share this experience with you and makes you beam with well deserved pride in what you do! My daughter and I were returning from a walk with our three GSDs; Diesel, Neeka and Yangus, all dogs bred by you. Our dogs were all on leash and we were walking up our driveway when the 3 dogs suddenly stiffened and froze in place. We barely had time to react to our neighbors dog, an Akita, running directly at us, with its teeth bared, shackles up and snarling. I tried to call their dog to back off. No way, not happening! Our 3 dogs immediately formed a triangle around us, putting us in the middle with Neeka flanking one side and Diesel flanking the other. Yangus moved in to flank Diesel.The Akita lunged at Neeka and bit her on the snout; she was startled, but not badly hurt by the bite. The Akita then lunged up at Diesel and went right for his throat. I cant begin to explain the terror I felt at this point. Totally helpless to do anything to help our dogs. Diesel, Yangus, Neeka had not moved; they were still alert and rigid is the best way to describe them. Diesel did a quick back step and caught the Akita in his jaws as he came down from his lunge. He just held the Akitas head in his jaws. My daughter who had the presence of mind to scream for help, had screamed for her Dad and he came running from our backyard faster than I have seen him move in years. At the same time the neighbor next door was running over and calling to the Akita. My husband in his deep booming male voice, that can be heard over anything, yelled at the Akita, and the neighbor grabbed its collar...not a smart move but it worked! Our dogs were put in a resting position, which we call charge while the owner dragged his dog off, the Akita still writhing and in a fighting mood. We did report this to the animal warden. He said that our dogs should get a medal for protecting us! The dogs have a right to protect themselves, their people and their property. The neighbors received a verbal warning and were told not to let the dog run free and if there were further incidents the dog would be removed. This is a family dog, so we were satisfied with the verbal warning which they have taken seriously. The warden also commented on how unbelievably restrained by their own will our dogs were in this situation. With three dogs, you would expect pack mentality to prevail over the Akita, with a very different outcome. He praised our GSDs and commented on how they are great dogs, with exactly the temperament anyone would want in a dog and said They protected you from harm and defended themselves without any viciousness. They subdued the perpetrator and waited for help. Its as if Diesel said I got this and Yangus and Neeka replied we got your back Diesel and our people are fine. This is why I go to a reputable breeder for my dogs. Some one who breeds for the best characteristics, but also breeds for dogs with incredible temperaments. This isnt luck of the draw with one of your GSDs being amazing, but with all three of them being amazing! BECKY you are awesome! Im so grateful for what you do and that you do it so well. Absolutely fine with you sharing on facebook. Thank you for asking...and you can use the names. This message comes with sincere gratitude for what you do and how well you do it. I have loved GSDS from childhood. These guys got steak, boiled potatoes and green beans for dinner!! I love my dogs takes on a whole new meaning. Kind regards, Kathryn
Posted on: Thu, 17 Jul 2014 17:45:41 +0000

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