From our Attorney, Jason Pelt: Big turn of events today - TopicsExpress


From our Attorney, Jason Pelt: Big turn of events today (Friday) during a meeting between Eric Olsen, the Judge, and myself in chambers. Mr. Olsen disclosed that Stafford Animal Control has charged Mr. And Mrs. Spindle with animal cruelty. The Spindles will be in court on Monday at 1:00 pm (same time as our hearing) to answer those criminal charges. This means that after 3 months of trying to get the Commonwealths Attorney on the right side of this issue, Eric Olsen finally changed his position and is starting to take steps against puppy mill operators in the County. This change is a direct result of the overwhelming support shown at the last hearing. Thank you all for your support. From the Stafford SPCA to our supporters: THANK YOU for taking a stand with Daisy. While there many issues at hand where this case is concerned, the overall, bigger picture that were concerned with is taking a stand against sub-par backyard breeders/puppy mills in this area. This case is about Daisy... but there are a lot of Daisys in Stafford County. Without YOU, our supporters, taking a strong position and sharing our posts, using our Daisy profile pictures and cover photos and letting those powers that be, know that there is a compassionate, animal loving and VOTING population in Stafford County that is NOT going to forget about this ONE dog, we may have never seen positive steps toward her defense. We invite you all to attend tomorrows hearing, if you can make it, and wear something yellow in a silent show of support for for our beautiful Daisy, and all the dogs like her in our community. If youre unable to attend, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers and share our event on your wall to notify others that may want to be with us tomorrow. From the bottoms of our hearts, and no matter the outcome tomorrow, the support from our community has made all the difference in the world. You have made it abundantly clear that we are not alone in the way we feel about the injustices that animals suffer. You all have succeeded in being Voices for the Voiceless and we have faith that this case has raised an awareness and stirred something in you all that will drive you to step out of your comfort zone, push the envelope and DO something in the future when you see an injustice. Prior to this experience, we considered ourselves animal advocates. Someone used the term, Activist to describe us, meaning it in a negative connotation. After much thought on the matter, we feel that the label of Activist carries with it the highest of compliments and is a Badge of Honor. If you view us as advocates, you can count on us to speak up. If you view us as ACTIVISTS, then that means you expect us to do something, to actually gain traction and ACCOMPLISH our mission.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 22:34:07 +0000

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