From our latest articall in the SCR newsletter.. - TopicsExpress


From our latest articall in the SCR newsletter.. Enjoy Seriously? At the top of our running heroes list is 2004 Olympic Marathon bronze medal winner, Deena Kastor. Recently we read an article by her where she said “Start taking it seriously." On this subject we have to agree with her especially because we run in Florida. The subject to take serious is sunscreen. We bet a lot of us out there think about it but don’t take it seriously. Seriously it should be part of your arsenal just like dry-fit clothes and proper shoes. Seriously we should not lace up until we have slathered up and we mean every time we lace up. In order to do it properly it should be applied 20 minutes before you head out so your skin has time to absorb it. It should be a SPF of least 30, and protect both UVA and UVB rays. Be serious about your selection, some sunscreens only protect against UVB; UVA has longer waves of ultraviolet light that penetrates the skin more deeply. It is Florida and we really sweat out there so look for waterproof a.k.a, sweat proof products. Seriously; be preventive. Wear a broad-billed hat, sunglasses and even long-sleeve shirts, dry-fit of course. We got to meet Deena in San Diego where she autographed our copy of the Spirit of the Marathon DVD. She inspired us to go for the marathoner/runner life style. We still remember watching her pick off the runners in Athens one by one. In her words “I pulled out my fishing pole, cast it out front, and reeled that one in. Once I passed them, I cast it out again and reeled in the next one.” Deena is a “reel” expert on the subject. She has been diagnosed multiple times with malignant melanoma, the most serious form of skin cancer. Her latest melanoma was caught and removed early. We personally have members of our family that have received this diagnosis, friends we coach have received it and been treated. Also several years ago a long time child hood friend of ours, after a long battle, John’s battle ended. So seriously take it serious. Let’s always take precaution in all our running, safety on the road, proper shoes, no overtraining and maintain that healthy attitude. Start today and proclaim “Sunblock shall not be overlooked. Before I lace-up I will slather up with an application of SPF 30 or greater that is sweat-proof and broad spectrum for UVA and UVB sunrays.” Let’s keep that healthy attitude and keep doing healthy things, being healthy is what it all is about, and we are serious about being healthy! Slather up- pick-em-up and put-em down Coach Barry and Michele Birdwell "Like" us on Facebook!
Posted on: Thu, 12 Sep 2013 13:46:02 +0000

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