From the Author: No sooner did gas prices start falling than - TopicsExpress


From the Author: No sooner did gas prices start falling than Georgia State Legislators started dreaming up ways to send them skyrocketing again! Even as I write you, a 16-member “bipartisan” Committee is meeting to hammer out the final details on a MASSIVE scheme to raise gas taxes across Georgia. Full Article Georgia Taxpayers United Dear Derrick, No sooner did gas prices start falling than Georgia State Legislators started dreaming up ways to send them skyrocketing again! Even as I write you, a 16-member “bipartisan” Committee is meeting to hammer out the final details on a MASSIVE scheme to raise gas taxes across Georgia. That’s why I’m counting on your IMMEDIATE action. At a whopping 28.5 cents per gallon, Georgias gasoline taxes are already among the highest in the nation -- higher than New Jerseys, Marylands and even tax-and-spend Massachusetts gas tax! In fact, NBC News recently cited a study calling Georgia the most expensive state in the nation for driving! Yet, that’s not stopping Big Government politicians in BOTH parties in Atlanta from demanding more of our tax dollars. So won’t you please fill out your NO GAS TAX HIKE petition right away? Click here to STOP the gas tax hike With your help, my goal is for Georgia Taxpayers United to flood the Georgia State Capitol with these petitions to send a LOUD-AND-CLEAR message to anyone even thinking about hiking our gas tax: “RAISE TAXES AND FACE THE CONSEQUENCES AT THE BALLOT BOX” The truth is, like always, politicians believe they have the perfect excuse to raise our gas taxes. This time, it’s “improving transportation.” There’s no doubt Georgia is plagued with significant transportation issues. But what politicians won’t tell you is the reason they’ve fallen short on funding transportation is they’ve frittered away tax dollars on wasteful pet projects instead of getting serious about cutting spending. In fact, just last year, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that our state-run Food Stamp program wasted almost $140 MILLION in overpayments. Studies estimate that 60% of these overpayments are due to agency errors -- not system abusers committing fraud. And the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) unloaded massive amounts of cash in the ultra-expensive Atlanta media market -- not on roads -- but on ads designed to improve it’s image! According to one local Georgia TV station, GDOT has one billion in unspent tax dollars just sitting in its bank accounts -- apparently reserved to pay workers to stand around. I’m afraid these are just small samplings of the some of the waste found in Georgia’s over $19 BILLION annual budget. But instead of cutting spending or making tough decisions, politicians in BOTH parties are demanding more of your hard-earned money. That’s why it’s so critical you sign your NO GAS TAX HIKE petition right away. Click here to STOP the gas tax hike Without your action, I’m afraid tax-and-spenders will succeed in RAMMING their “bipartisan” tax hike scheme into law. You see, many states across the country have learned all too painfully what can happen when one political party remains in control for years on end . . . After ten years of GOP control in Atlanta, most politicians understand the only way to get elected is to run as a Republican. That means tax-and-spenders couch their views in “business friendly” rhetoric, join the GOP, and -- once elected -- push for schemes like this Gas Tax increase. Other self-proclaimed “fiscally conservative” legislators find themselves tempted by hordes of special interest goodies tax-and-spend lobbyists promise if they’d just “play ball.” I’m afraid that’s exactly what’s happening now. In fact, one prominent member of the Committee tasked with selling this gas tax bill of goods to Georgia taxpayers said Republicans now have “bullet-proof majorities.” He thinks Republicans could get away raising taxes with zero political ramifications. Not only that, but Rep. Jay Roberts (R-Ocilla) said it’ll take “a menu of options” and “nothing’s off the table” when it comes raising your taxes. Rep. Don Parsons (R-east Cobb) went as far as to suggest a fee per driver, possibly based on mileage! Of course, the only way to do that would be for the government to track and trace ever car in the state of Georgia! That’s why it’s so critical you take action TODAY. So won’t you please click here and sign your “STOP THE GAS TAX HIKE” petition immediately? Click here to STOP the gas tax hike And if you’re able, please agree to your most generous contribution to Georgia Taxpayers United today. With your support, my goal is to launch an all-out plan to STOP THE GAS TAX HIKE, including: >>> Contacting up to 100,000 Georgians to generate petitions, postcards, letters and phone calls from folks just like you to turn up the heat on their legislators; >>> Launching an all-out earned media blitz to include hard-hitting op-eds, a flood of letters to the editor, media interviews and appearances on talk radio; >>> Running hard-hitting radio, newspaper and even TV ads in key districts across Georgia; >>> Turning on the phones and contacting our members all across the state to urge them to call their elected officials. This is the type of program it will take to stop this gas tax scheme. Not only that, but it will put politicians in Atlanta “on notice” if they ever try to raise taxes again. Of course, this type of program won’t be cheap. But it will be well worth it. That’s why, in addition to your signed “NO GAS TAX HIKE” petition, I must count on your generous support right away. Maybe you can afford a generous gift of $250, $100, or $50? If that’s too much, won’t you please agree to chip in $25 or even $10. Your contribution will help me spread our message to folks just like you all across the Peach State. It could make all the difference. So please act right away. For freedom, Nathan Nathan Adams, President Georgia Taxpayers United P.S. As I write you, politicians in Atlanta are trying to IMPOSE a new gas tax hike on hardworking Georgia taxpayers. Instead of cutting their own pet projects to focus on fixing our crumbling infrastructure, politicians in Atlanta are asking you and me to foot the bill for the problems they created! So won’t you please click here sign your “STOP THE GAS TAX HIKE” petitions IMMEDIATELY? Click here to STOP the gas tax hike And if at all possible, please agree to your most generous contribution of $250, $100, $50, $25 or even $10 to help Georgia Taxpayers United spread this message across the Peach State. Like us on Facebook | Follow us on Google+ | Follow us on Twitter Because Georgia Taxpayers United is tax-exempt under IRC § 501(C)(4) and because of its state and federal legislative activities, contributions are not tax deductible as charitable contributions (IRC § 170) or as business deductions (IRC § 162(e)(1)). This message was intended for: tmotofga@gmail. You were added to the system November 26, 2013. For more information click here.
Posted on: Mon, 29 Dec 2014 14:25:20 +0000

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