From the Bishops Pulpit: Being Enlightened: A Man That Is Called - TopicsExpress


From the Bishops Pulpit: Being Enlightened: A Man That Is Called Yahshua—The Branch Make your relationship with Yahshua like breathing. Make it the very essence of life. Make him your complete source. Be determined to meditate on that which enlightens you. Meditate on that which has been promised to you. The Heavenly Father has enlightened each of us but the question is posed whether we are walking in our enlightenment—whether we are walking in what the Holy Spirit has revealed. Whatever the Holy Spirit reveals brings a joy and peace. Your relationship with Yahshua should always satisfy you. If you’re not being satisfied there’s something wrong. When you are full of joy you don’t meditate on what you’re lacking or missing. Yet too many Christians do not personally benefit from knowing Christ Yahshua because they meditate on the cares of this world, which are always fluctuating and changing and not the consistency of Christ and what he is able to do. Ephesians 1:18 “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints…” There is something wrong when you receive a word from Christ and you’re sad. If this happens you’re looking at the word from the wrong perspective. This happens when we do not fully entertain the man that is Christ Yahshua. It is impossible to be defeated in Christ. You can only receive everything that he promised. But we are defeated when we go outside of Christ and we allow our emotions, pains or things from the past to weigh us down. The only time that things of the past can overwhelm you is when you’re not meditating on the good things of Elohim. You have to train yourself how to think. Do not think in defeat, sorrow or grief. As we read in Ephesians Chapter 1 verse 18, Christ has a richness and an inheritance in the saints. You were called to be a partaker of that richness and glory. As the scripture states, “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened“ speaks to revelation via Elohim. Whatever the Holy Spirit reveals is important and it will add to you and strengthen you. Thus, the body of Christ was called to be unified in the spirit of truth. The body was called to be enlightened. Yet too often Christians want to turn off the light when YHWH has turned the lights on, which he does because he is seeking to reveal something unto you. Ophthalmos: the eye, the eyes of the mind (See Ephesians 1:18) It’s one thing to see with your eye but it is something else to see with the eye of the mind. Seeing with the eye of the mind means you’re looking deeper. But not everyone has the eye to see what is in the mind. YHWH opens your eyes so that your understanding might be opened. Each person has been enlightened in Christ according to his will for your life and he doesn’t impart unto you a small purpose but greatness. Your faith in Christ means nothing unless your faith can be seen in relationships. Before you confess a house or a car confess to be a better person because in being a better person you’re going to enlighten someone. Whatever relationship you’re in that relationship has to constantly grow unless it’s dying or dead. Yahn 9:1 “And as Yahshua passed by, he saw a man which was blind from his birth.” Tuphlos: blind, mentally blind Compare Ephesians 1:18 “The eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance in the saints…” Ophthalmos: the eye, the eyes of the mind, Dianoia: understanding, the mind as a faculty of understanding, feeling and desiring; a way of thinking and feeling Photizo: enlightened, to give light, to shine, to illuminate A lot of Christians can see the outward but they can’t see with the eye of the mind. That’s when the man Yahshua opens the eye and gives sight to that which was once unseen. Too many of us have the wrong way of thinking or feeling: we’re closed-minded. Too many will lay down something spiritually because they felt they were hurt in their emotions. When you are ruled by emotions you lack the accountability of what should have been perceived in the mind. Christ healing the blind man caused trouble with his parents and the Pharisees. Because Christ healed the blind mind he got kicked out of the synagogue. Some of us are afraid to tell others how Christ Yahshua enlightened us because we believe we may be ridiculed or shunned. But when you have a true encounter with Christ you have to risk all for Christ. Christ will enlighten you in something that is going to benefit your life—the greatest thing being that you were not created to suffer. He suffered for you but some of us are always under mental fatigue because we live under elements that he didn’t call us under. Christ didn’t call you to live beneath your potential but to be exalted above all and through all. Where/How did Christ enlighten you? YHWH always enlightens you to prepare you and strengthen you with a great might, strength and knowledge. That branch is always there to make you mighty and strong. Yahn 9:2-3 “And his disciples asked him, saying, Master, who did sin, this man, or his parents, that he was born blind? Yahshua answered, Neither hath this man sinned, nor his parents: but that the works of Elohim should be made manifest in him.” Sin comes to rob you of something but Christ comes to restore and give back what the enemy tried to take. Christ turns around whatever is negative in your life into a positive. So, refuse to allow the enemy to take your joy or peace. Christ hasn’t enlightened you to fear but to strength and greatness. Sometimes you have to go through things to teach others that they can endure and get through! In your trials YHWH Nissi, YHWH our banner, is exalted. We are enlightened such that we should stop wasting our time on the why. Christ compels you to get out of the why and get into “the know.” As the scripture reads in Yahn Chapter 9 verses 4 through 7, Christ was deliberate to heal the blind man (and the manner in which he did it) though he broke religious laws (i.e., breaking the Shabbat laws written in the Talmud). Christ did this to enlighten mankind that the laws of the Talmud (which were manmade) should not be exalted as holy because they were not of the Torah. Bottom-line, Christ enlightened people. He willingly broke manmade religious laws (written in the Talmud) to rescue souls from religious bondage. Religious laws bring bondage but truth brings freedom. There’s something wrong if you first have to judge the person before you interact with him or her. You are religious if you find it difficult to be just and pleasant toward someone. Christ always gets at purpose and intent. You’re enlightened for a purpose. If you want others to take a second look, the world should see the change that your enlightenment manifests. What counts in this life is joy and peace. If you know the name of Yahshua but you’re rude, it’s merely religious to you. It hasn’t brought about a radial change. Truth should bring you into greater joy and peace, more love and more endurance. You must surround yourself by people who stimulate you intellectually. But for too many Christians that is considered rebellion. This can be seen when beloved Christian traditions are challenged by scripture and historical truths (e.g., Anglicized name of Jesus versus the scriptural and rhema name of Yahshua). Hebrews 6:1-2 “Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward Elohim, 2 Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment.” Likewise, Hebrews 5:12 reads, “For when for the time ye ought to be teachers, ye have need that one teach you again which be the first principles of the oracles of Elohim; and are become such as have need of milk, and not of strong meat.” You cannot hang out with Yahshua and not be like him. In Yahn 9:10-11 we read, “Therefore said they unto him, How were thine eyes opened? He answered and said, A man that is called Yahshua made clay, and anointed mine eyes, and said unto me, Go to the pool of Siloam, and wash: and I went and washed, and I received sight.” In his midst great miracles happen and you too will become a sign and wonder that causes another to believe. Compare Acts 1:9-12 with Zechariah 14:1-9 to gain understanding of the fullness of Christ’s mandate in that he shall return with the saints and YHWH’s kingdom shall be established upon the earth. In Christ we are enlightened to the fullness of our purpose by understanding the fullness of his calling and how he operates through us. Zechariah 6:12 “12 And speak unto him, saying, Thus speaketh the YHWH Sabaoth, saying, Behold the man whose name is The Branch; and he shall grow up out of his place, and he shall build the temple of YHWH: Yahn 15:1-3 “I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Now ye are clean through the word which I have spoken unto you.” Christ Yahshua is the branch. We diminish who he is when we allow the cares of this world to crush our joy or peace. If you allow Christ his name will be magnified in every situation. What you thought was a negative he will turn around to a complete positive. Every time you are blessed you interrupt a negative perception that someone has of you. Sometimes we will take something small and make it so big that it will destroy everything we’ve been warring for. But in order to go to the next level there is always something that you have to leave behind. Christ promises you a better life. The only way you can have a better life is through forgiveness. Again, in order to go to the next level you have to know what you have to leave behind. This is true of relationships as well. Are you bringing into the future something that belongs in the past? The only thing you should bring into the future is a promise or good testimony. Every person that you meet is for a purpose. The more honest you are the easier your life becomes. When YHWH enlightens you it is sin not to use it. You must walk in the power, authority and strength thereof. Cast off the things, which keep you in bondage. Refuse to hold onto anything that is old. You’ve been enlightened to add onto yourself. When you’re enlightened you’re guilty if you know the truth and you don’t move on the truth you know. When you’ve been enlightened you’ve been empowered. For instance, when you are enlightened to ills of the world it is your obligation to upend abuses and help solve all manner of problems. In particular, as Christian saints we must denounce and purge the body of Christ of every racist interpretation and teaching and labor in truth to heal hearts and societies. Likewise, we must not allow anti-Semitism to be perpetuated in the body of Christ by anglicizing the name and identity of our Jewish Messiah or Christ. Rather, we must walk in the power of our enlightenment. This is the example that Christ gave us. He took on the religious establishment and confronted all manner of social prejudices and the rituals and traditions, which were inconsistent with the word. You are enlightened to leave behind the bondage and shackles of mental, emotional and physical slavery. Ask the question, “Why have you been enlightened?” It takes leadership to buck against the status quo and operate in truth no matter whom it offends or which sensibilities it threatens. Pearl: Don’t confuse keeping the peace with quitting. In sinning we take advantage of someone as opposed to ministering, where we must submit to the Holy Spirit. Be enlightened. Be empowered. Souls and purposes are at stake. #Bishop
Posted on: Tue, 02 Sep 2014 12:54:16 +0000

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