From the Bishops Pulpit: The Storm is not the Problem But Your - TopicsExpress


From the Bishops Pulpit: The Storm is not the Problem But Your Imagination Mark 4:30 And he said, Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of Elohim? or with what comparison shall we compare it? (v30-38) The Heavenly Father wants to get you to a place where there is great and mighty intimacy. And, in that intimacy He wants to reveal the fullness of His love, word and being toward you. And once you know Him intimately nothing thereafter should sway you or discourage your faith. Too often, the storm is not the problem but how we experience and perceive the storm, how we react and our polluted imagination. When your imagination is wrong/tainted you feel as if no one loves you; you imagine those to hate you who love; when your imagination is tainted your thoughts are perverted. What do you imagine about yourself and others? And how has your imagination influenced your thinking and reactions? Mark 4:38 And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow: and they awake him, and say unto him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? katheudo: to fall asleep, sleep normally diegeiro: to awaken, arouse from sleep melo: to care about ou: not apollumi: to destroy, put out of the way entirely, abolish, to be brought to ruin Here, the disciples questioned His love and provision toward them---though He had already proven Himself faithful. Too many of us are getting lost in going to the other side, in fulfilling our dream/vision not because of the storm but because of how we perceive and react to the storm. When the storm overtakes your imagination the storm becomes greater than your Elohim. So many people believe their savior is sleeping in the midst of their trouble; rather your savior is at peace with you and the storm because your savior is convinced of the outcome--victory. When the storm overtakes your imagination you will no longer be happy with your YAH. You will believe that Elohim has abandoned you and doesnt care concerning your plight. You blame YHWH for the storm. Yet, the storm has come for you to take your eyes off the goal--getting to the other side. But your Christ has come to give you peace, assurance in the midst of the storm. Just keep your mind, your imagination stayed on Him. Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. (YeshaYah 26:3) Its not what youre going through its where youre going to. Your destination should motivate you despite the obstacles or the process you must endure. When you get so involved with someone elses business that it takes your peace you are in sin. Also, there is something wrong when you believe that the state of your emergency warrants you to inform YHWH of your condition because Hes not paying attention to your pain. Are you accusing YHWH of being asleep in the midst of your storm? Or are you gaining strength from knowing His word and promise? Likewise, when we feel that people are not paying attention or having the response that we want, we must check our heart and focus on Elohim and the certainty of His promise--that alone will pull us through the storm. When you love Elohim the storm is not present to overtake you but even the storm will ultimately have to work out for your good. {And we know that all things work together for good to them that love Elohim, to them who are the called according to his purpose. -Rom 8:28} Genesis 6:5 And Elohim saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. yetser: formed, framed, purposed, framework machashabah: thought, device, intervention, purpose Your imagination is the way you frame things. When you frame a picture the frame will influence your perspective and tell you what to focus on. When people take hurt and join it with their imagination terrible things happen. Do not allow your imagination to emphasize or enlarge your hurt, pain, sickness or plight. In doing so you will lose relationship with your Christ, your anointing because youve accused your Christ of being uncaring. If your imagination is framing the wrong thing you put your creativity into your hurt. But if you take that same imagination and put it into YHWH all things are possible to him who believes. The choice is clear: imagine and be overwhelmed or imagine and be strengthened. In order to have victory you have to first have honesty. Romans 1:21 Because that, when they knew Elohim, they glorified him not as Elohim, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Here, vain means to make empty. Even though the disciples had relationship with Christ when they were going through the storm they forget their Christ and the strength and power of that relationship/covenant. Stop worshipping the storm. And, stop thinking that ending the storm will end the problem. The goal is to get to the other side. Despite storms and obstacles get there! Never believe there isnt hope for someone, including you. Do not put more imagination into judgment than your love. If our relationship in Christ is renewed daily then we should renew our relationship with others daily. Yea, we should renew our imaginations daily. #Bishop
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:25:49 +0000

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