From the Book of 1st Samuel.... A Higher Law By the - TopicsExpress


From the Book of 1st Samuel.... A Higher Law By the time David reached Nob he was in desperate straits.So the priest Ahimelech allowed him and his men to eat the holy bread,or consecrated bread, of the tabernacle (1st Samuel 21:4),bread that had been set apart for consumption by the priests alone (Leviticus 24:5-9). A thousand years later,when Jesus was criticized for allowing his disciples to pick grain on the Sabbath,he referred back to this episode to illustrate his point to his hearers.He challenged them to focus on what is of vital importance: seeking God and his mercy rather than keeping ritual laws.Jesus even went so far as to identify himself as greater than the temple and the Lord of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:3-8). While rituals are replete with meaning and value as a way to express our devotion to God,he is far more interested in a passionate love relationship with us than in traditions carried out by an apathetic heart. May God Bless You Our next point of study in the Book of Samuel...... Abigail: A Woman Of Intercession
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 16:40:01 +0000

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