From the Desk of: Mat Staver In recent testimony, General Carter - TopicsExpress


From the Desk of: Mat Staver In recent testimony, General Carter Ham, who was the regional U.S. military commander over Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012, confirmed that the Obama administration intentionally lied to the American people in the days following the massacre. Meanwhile, White House spokesman Jay Carney says the administration doesn’t need to answer any more questions on Benghazi because it isn’t dealing with “phony scandals” anymore. I believe the tide is turning in this crucial investigation. But we must seize the growing momentum in Congress and demand action to prevent the administration from successfully sweeping the whole debacle under the rug! Please see my important update below – Mat. Ray, General Carter Ham, the former head of U.S. Forces in Africa, was in Washington, D.C. for high-level meetings with then-Defense Secretary Leon Panetta when the violent assault was launched on our consulate in Benghazi last September. “It became apparent to all of us quickly that this was not a demonstration, this was a violent attack…. as we started to gain understanding within the hours after the initiation of the attack.” As you know, President Obama, then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and then-Ambassador to the U.N. Susan Rice all intentionally deceived the American people into believing that the attacks were demonstrations based on a reaction to an obscure anti-Muslim video. ++Liberty Counsel Action is demanding truth and accountability no matter who is implicated! There is renewed vigor in the call for congressional action and the establishment of a Select Committee right now. Certainly, Liberty Counsel Action has been at the forefront of efforts to expose this scandal. Now, Congressman Steve Stockton has filed a discharge petition to force a vote in the House of Representatives to consider HR 36 – the bill to establish a Select Committee to fully investigate the Benghazi massacre. Here is what he as he introduced his petition: “It has been nearly a year since terrorists killed an American ambassador and three other U.S. citizens in a coordinated attack. Yet, not one survivor has been allowed to testify to Congress and repeated requests for information have been blocked. Two different hearings have been canceled after witnesses were confronted and some intimidated.” Liberty Counsel Action has been calling on Congress to establish a Select Committee for months to fully investigate the Benghazi attacks – moving far beyond the well-known fact that the Obama administration lied to the American people and is covering up the truth about the attack that killed four Americans and injured many more. I assure you, we have had a great impact on the resolve of those investigating this debacle. Once again, I am calling for all Americans concerned with learning the truth about the Benghazi massacre to seize the day and join in building upon the new momentum we are seeing! We must demand action from congressional leadership! The American people demand to know the truth. The families of the victims deserve to know the truth. The surviving victims and witnesses must be allowed to testify. Please join with me today in putting additional pressure on Congress to FULLY investigate the Libya massacre with the establishment of a Select Committee! You’ll be faxing your Oklahoma Senators and Representatives and key congressional leaders to demand that Members of Congress empower a Select Committee – as originally proposed by Representative Frank Wolf (R-VA) in H. Res 36 – and now endorsed by over 150 Members of the House, including Representative Steve Stockman. I urge you to take a minute right now to further participate in this important campaign. Click here to send your immediate faxes to Congress: ++“Phony scandals”? The White House wants us to believe that President Obama is putting these “phony scandals” behind him in order to refocus on the economy. Spokesman Jay Carney says… “He’s focused on the economy. He’s not focused on pretend scandals.” Our scandalous president and the complicit media want the many reprehensible activities that have been typical of this corrupt administration to simply go away – in the same way they managed to waltz by the “Fast and Furious” scandal. ++This investigation must be consolidated, empowered, and formalized! I believe Benghazi-gate will blow wide open in spite of the administration’s wish that it would just go away – if Congress investigates with the full empowerment of a Select Committee. There are at least four House committees investigating the attacks, all operating within the scope of their limited authority. We are demanding a Select Committee with ALL the needed authority! Please, even if you have done so before, click below to fax Congress and call for a complete bipartisan investigation into the Libya massacre and the cover-up crafted by the Obama administration: Enemies of America’s best interests in these events must be exposed. U.S. government officials, irrespective of the seniority of their positions, must be held accountable! Please click here now to send your faxes to Congress: God bless you for you patriotism and integrity, Mathew Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action P.S. We cannot let this investigation be swept under the rug. Please join me in seizing this renewed vigor created by Congressman Stockman’s discharge petition and create renewed energy in investigating the Benghazi massacre. I believe we are just beginning to see the extent to which our President and senior government officials have united in a massive cover-up of the events in Benghazi. PLEASE fax Congress right away. Together, let’s hold anyone responsible fully accountable!
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 04:17:47 +0000

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