From the Desk of: Mat Staver We now know that our government is - TopicsExpress


From the Desk of: Mat Staver We now know that our government is suppressing the testimonies of key witnesses who could reveal the truth about the terrorist assault in Benghazi, Libya. One irate senator has declared that al Qaeda is ‘on steroids’ since the Benghazi attack – and they feel they have the U.S. on the run! Thanks to a cynical cover-up designed to get the President reelected, our enemies are crowing at our ineptitude. Please read my very important update below – Mat. G, Leading up to the 2012 elections, CNSNews reported that, “President Barack Obama has described al Qaeda as having been ‘decimated,’ ‘on the path to defeat,’ or some other variation at least 32 times according to White House transcripts.” That means he intentionally misled the American people on this topic at least 32 times. Why? To get reelected, of course! It now seems that we, the most powerful nation on earth, are the ones on the run due to massive failures in our Middle East foreign policy and flagrant mischaracterizations of our enemies and their status, strength, and strategies. This weekend, the United States was forced to close embassies due to “credible” terrorist threats backed by al Qaeda. Liberty Counsel Action certainly does not oppose the closing of the embassies in light of serious threats, but we strongly oppose the lies crafted by the President to gain reelection! We also oppose the breathtaking hypocrisy Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has displayed throughout this scandal. Perhaps the intensity of this cover-up is directly proportionate to the fervor with which leftists want her to be America’s first woman president! ++Al Qaeda has been greatly strengthened by the administration’s handling of the Benghazi attacks. This weekend, Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) declared on CNN’s “State of the Union” program that an emboldened al Qaeda is “on steroids” following the terrorist attacks on the U.S. diplomatic post in Benghazi on 9/11/12... “Al Qaeda is on the rise in this part of the world. They attacked our consulate, they killed an ambassador, a year has passed, and nobody has paid a price. After Benghazi, these al Qaeda types are really on steroids thinking we’re weaker and they’re stronger.” There can be little doubt that Senator Graham is right. Almost a year later, it is clear that the Obama administration desires to perpetuate the cover-up rather than serve the cause of justice. There have been no arrests of the terrorists or accountability taken for those responsible for our government’s failures. Left to their course, the administration will see to it that there never will be. Here’s a simple truth I have seen verified countless times through my work in the legal system: If there is no law enforcement, criminals are emboldened! ++Obama’s “phony scandal” collaborators are suppressing the testimonies of key Benghazi witnesses Fox News reported last Friday that… “At least five CIA employees were forced to sign additional nondisclosure agreements this past spring in the wake of the Benghazi attack. These employees had already signed such agreements before the attack but were made to sign new agreements aimed at discouraging survivors from leaking their stories to the media or anyone else.” Also, CNN reported that dozens of people working for the CIA were in Benghazi on the night of the attack, and those employees are being intimidated into staying silent. Other reports reveal that these critical witnesses are being subjected to monthly polygraph testing to insure that they are not disclosing on the events surrounding the Benghazi massacre to anyone. Why these extraordinary measures if there’s nothing to hide? Meanwhile, many sympathetic media outlets are obligingly reiterating Obama’s “phony scandals” mantra in order to misdirect public concern and put investigators on the defensive. We must keep constant pressure on the Obama administration and Congress, or Benghazi will fade away, even though it is the biggest, highest level cover-up in American history! Today, congressional staffers are manning the offices on Capitol Hill and sending reports to their bosses who are scheduled to be meeting with constituents in their home districts and states. G, I am asking you to do two things today: First, utilize our Liberty Counsel Fax Barrage system and demand that Congress, immediately upon reconvening, establish a Select Committee to investigate the Obama administration’s cover-up of the Benghazi attacks. With the administration scandals topping the news coverage, you can be sure that our elected representatives are carefully assessing public opinion right now. Your faxes will be received at the lawmakers’ Capitol Hill offices and your messages will be forwarded to the lawmakers in their districts. No matter where your Members of Congress may be for the next month, your demand for a Select Committee will have an impact! Click here to schedule your faxes today: Second, call the local offices of your New York senators and representative or use other means to research when they are holding local meetings. Attend those meetings, if at all possible. ++We must keep the pressure up! President Obama and his administration have deliberately stonewalled Americans and have clearly misrepresented what was transpiring in Benghazi, why there were so many CIA and State Department employees in the consulate facility and the CIA annex, and what happened the night terrorists took the lives of four Americans. Despite the severity of the 9/11 Benghazi attacks and the very early knowledge that al Qaeda was involved in the events, Barack Obama continually lied about the status of the terrorist network in order to win reelection. His campaign team (and who can tell the difference between his political organization and his presidential administration?) apparently felt they could not lose the claim that Barack Obama had decimated al Qaeda. So the stonewalling began. The United States foreign policy team – including then-Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton and directed by a morally bankrupt President whose agenda, career, and reputation were his highest concerns – committed high crimes throughout the Benghazi debacle. In the opinions of many authorities, these are impeachable offenses. I am depending on friends like you to help intensify the pressure on officials to thoroughly expose those who were responsible for this disaster! Even if you have already done so, please take a moment right now to schedule personalized faxes to key Senate and House leaders demanding a full and thorough investigation into Benghazi and its aftermath. Go here to schedule your faxes for delivery: And, if at all possible, attend congressional meetings in your District during this constituency work period for our representatives. Ask why there is no Special Committee investigating these high crimes! Thank you and God bless you for expanding your efforts in this vital campaign! Mathew D. Staver, Chairman Liberty Counsel Action P.S. America is being put on the defensive by an emboldened enemy that is far from being “decimated” or “on the path to defeat”! Even worse, our President is shamelessly weakening our international posture through capitulating to radical Muslims and doggedly pursuing failed foreign policies. This is a recipe for total disaster for our nation! Let’s keep pressure growing for the establishment of a Special Counsel! Go here to help: Thank you again, and God bless you!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 15:12:42 +0000

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